MovieChat Forums > Tron: Legacy (2010) Discussion > Movies you love that get alot of hate

Movies you love that get alot of hate

It's funny. This movie has a 50% on RT, meaning there seem to be as many who like this movie as do dislike it. Most people I've met haven't seen it, and I've come across several people who seem to HATE it. And yet, every time I see it, I like it a little more.

I don't know, maybe it's because it was better than a lot of reviews had led me to believe, or maybe it was because it was better than what it could have been. I watch this movie and get the feeling that the people making it really put care into making it. Also, the acting was better than I would have thought. And it was the best of the live-action blockbusters Disney produced that year (then again that doesn't really say anything since the two were Prince of Persia, which was forgettable, and Alice in Wonderland, which shouldn;t have made as much as it did).

So, do you feel the same as I do for other movies(btw, I apologize if you like PoP or AiW)? Maybe even for this movie? Share your thoughts below.

Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and BioShock: Proof that video games are becoming better than movies.


My affection for this movie even baffles me! I admit it's not the most clever film but everything in this film is just in the right place!

Stunning visuals, good actors, entertaining story-line, perfect music (although I generally hate Daft Punk I could not imagine more perfect scor for this one)! It' a niner for me, and I don't care for the haters, I just simply watch it every now and then and like the hell out of it

And the same goes for Sucker Punch as well. If you just let the film carry you on, and don't try dissect EVERY TINSY FOKKEN detal it is a damn entertaining and beautifly crafted flick. Also gave it 9...
