MovieChat Forums > Tron: Legacy (2010) Discussion > Movies you love that get alot of hate

Movies you love that get alot of hate

It's funny. This movie has a 50% on RT, meaning there seem to be as many who like this movie as do dislike it. Most people I've met haven't seen it, and I've come across several people who seem to HATE it. And yet, every time I see it, I like it a little more.

I don't know, maybe it's because it was better than a lot of reviews had led me to believe, or maybe it was because it was better than what it could have been. I watch this movie and get the feeling that the people making it really put care into making it. Also, the acting was better than I would have thought. And it was the best of the live-action blockbusters Disney produced that year (then again that doesn't really say anything since the two were Prince of Persia, which was forgettable, and Alice in Wonderland, which shouldn;t have made as much as it did).

So, do you feel the same as I do for other movies(btw, I apologize if you like PoP or AiW)? Maybe even for this movie? Share your thoughts below.

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The easiest way to put it would be, old skool tron fans didn't get what they expect, the memory lasting in their brain from the past looks a hundred times better than the actual tron movie (it's just the thing the brain does, whatever memory the brain preserves, what it can't show in detailed photographic memory makes up for with mixed feelings, mostly good ones), now comparing their memory with the current movie is pale in comparison, I wasn't even born when Tron came out but i did see it recently and it was awesome.


Bad Boys 2




I didn't realize how many people didn't like Blood Diamond. It only got a 62% on rotten tomatoes which is stunning to me. It could be one of my top 20 movies of all time. The performances were all great especially Djimon Hounsou.

I thought it was better than every Leo movie other than The Departed. I have yet to see Django Unchained. However I think it is certainly better than Catch me if you Can, Gangs of NY, Titanic and The Aviator for sure.



You do know that the book was created in 1917. Before anyone knew jack Sh!t about Mars, right..


Agreed. It's been one of my favorites since I first watched it. I didn't get to see it in theaters and was very disappointed, especially when I actually got to see it and realized what a masterpiece it is. My philosophy teacher actually had us write two well organized essays on the film after we watched it in class. I had already loved the movie and agree about the liking it more every time I watch it, and I noticed a lot more when having to philosophically analyze it. The ideas brought in are absolutely fantastic. After watching Flynn Lives: The Next Day, I loved it EVEN MORE.


I love Legacy, and I love Sucker Punch. Yeah, I just said that.


I don't know why but I absolutely loved this movie. In fact, I ordered the soundtrack today which has to be one of the best soundtracks I have heard for a modern film. I was wary when I first watched it and, despite some issues, enjoyed it a lot. The next time I watched it I liked it even more and now I want to watch it again tonight!!

The fact is, I can't put my finger on why I like it so much.... Strange world, innit!


-The Power of One
-Star Wars Prequels
-Tron: Legacy
-Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal Skull
-Meet Joe Black
-Green Lantern
-Blood Diamond
-The Last Samurai
-Superman Returns
-Robin Hood (Ridley Scott's)
-A Good Year
-A Walk in the Clouds
-The Village
-The Lovely Bones
-King Kong (Peter Jackson's)
-Conan the Destroyer
-Great Expectations (Alfonso CuarĂ³n's)
-Don Juan de Marco

Movies like Avatar, Titanic, The Hobbit, Independence Day, Prometheus, Flash Gordon, Matrix Revolutions and Reloaded, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, (and even the SW prequels can be included here) etc. I see that people claim that they were terrible and hate them, but since they were hugely successful and most people at the end of the day really liked them, I consider that they were universally loved, is just a very noisy minority the ones who make a big deal about how "bad" they are.

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A lot of you are listing movies that are generally well-liked. The Last Samurai, Blood Diamond, Zodiac... REALLY?! Those are some quality films, anyone who hates them has no taste.
I really liked TRON Legacy but it could have been SO much better. Horrible script overall. Loved Bridges, Sheen, and Hedlund, loved Daft Punk's score, loved the visuals... just a bad script.




People are like cynical little Drones. If a bunch of Critics say it sucks then there will always be people who will jump on Critics Bandwagon. There very little IMDB/RT User ratings that are too much higher then the Critics overall rating. Even though sometimes it can be the other way around.

Im just going to Say "John Carter". While don't think it's great. But it isn't horrible either. People keep saying "While its stupid its on mars" and "ive seen it before". Well the book was written in 1917. Before anybody knew jack sh!t about Mars. And sure you seen it before because everybody from George Lucas to James Cameron has ripped it off in some way. The Problem was while everybody knows who Tarzan is. Edgar Rice Burrough's John Carter of Mars had been used in decades.



I suppose I'm kind of biased in a way, it was just a couple of days after Kubrick died that someone wrote a piece called "The Lost Films of Stanley Kubrick" and covered all of the stuff he wanted to make but never did, like Napoleon, The Aryan Papers, etc. I had heard of his A.I. project before, but knew nothing about it except the title. The article had some actual details about it, and it sounded like it had so much potential. I was really, really bummed about it. I've loved sci-fi for as long as I can remember, and 2001 A Space Odyssey had been one of my favorite movies since I was a little kid growing up in the 1970s. I had always wanted Kubrick to go back and do another futuristic sci-fi movie, it broke my heart to find out how close he came to doing it... A.I. was going to be his next movie, but then he died. Damn. Not too long after that I discovered a website about all things Kubrick, and it had a lot of info about A.I. Including some actual plot info and such.

About a year later when the news hit that Spielberg was going to direct A.I., I was really happy to hear it. The article from right after Kubrick's death had mentioned that even Kubrick himself actually wanted Spielberg to direct it while he produced, but Spielberg had refused. It was very frustrating to hear all of the "Who the hell does Spielberg think he is, how dare he take over Kubrick's movie after his death?!?!?! The schmaltzy hack, he has no business doing this!" I tried to clue people in when I got a chance, but few if any listened.

When A.I. came out, I thought it was amazing. Next best thing to getting a proper Kubrick sci-fi movie. Everyone and their brother came out of the woodwork to call it a piece of trash, saying ignorant b.s. like "It's obvious Kubrick's original story ended with David trapped under the ferris wheel, and then Spielberg added a bunch of stupid crap about aliens, LOL." I knew those people were idiots, because the website I'd read almost two years earlier had mentioned that towards the end of the story the android is frozen in ice and discovered 2000 years later by highly evolved mechanoids which had replaced the now-extinct humanity. It was just another lesson in life that taught me how so many people today have become overly jaded, overly cynical, quick to criticize. People now get more pleasure out of tearing movies to pieces than from simply sitting and watching them.
