MovieChat Forums > Ted Lasso (2020) Discussion > Should I even watch Season 3 ?

Should I even watch Season 3 ?

I've heard from numerous comments and reviews of season 3 that the show went woke.

Some people like myself do not enjoy the woke agendas being forced fed to us.

Am i really missing anything by just ending this show on a good note after season 2?


Season 3 sucks, I’d pass. Not because it’s woke. People cry woke anytime they don’t like something. It’s just not funny.


It's only "woke" for a couple episodes....I'd still watch it. Last night's (the penultimate episode) was really good.


I'm half way thru and quite enjoying it. More than season 2, actually. This is a woke show, it was always dealing with those kinds of themes. For sure less funny this time, and a bit unrealistic how some of these characters are still in the picture, but i'm digging this more emotional soap opera approach. And the football scenes are a lot better, production wise.


S3 is slightly better than S2, but it still isn't really that good.

Season 1 was great but it seems like that was a fluke.


Like someone else said, theres a couple of woke episodes and maybe some woke moments sprinkled here and there but besides that if you enjoy this sort of show then keep watching. For me its a bit too heartwarm/sentimental but maybe im just a cynical bastard :)


The episodes in season 3 are an hour+. I prefer the first season style of a a 30 minute comedy.

Season 3 is both super preachy and woke and just not as good as season 1. It gets more woke as the season goes on.

I thought it was worth watching to Roy Kent and to finish the show, but I found myself fast forwarding through some pointless scenes.


It just sucks and has no more story to tell.
