8,7 on IMDb? seriously?

How did this movie get to 8,7 is beyond me , The Avengers is 8,0 which is a vastly superior movie.
I watched it and it is a decent movie i would vote 6,5 but since you can't give 0.5 votes on IMDb i gave it 6 , no way i would give it 7 , i assume many people if not the most gave it a 10? Really? Who would vote this movie 10? probably kids?


Agree very overrated.

I expect a lot of it is people clinging to nostalgia.


This is quite funny. I saw the title and expected to see the usual "How can this be rated X when a classic film like the Godfather is only rated Y, bla, bla, bla" frothing.

Yet no, this is chewing the fat over whether another MCU film is "vastly superior"! 😂 V good...


It'll go down over time. The Avengers used to be much higher than an 8.0 as well.


Yeah, honestly the stand-alone Spiderman movies have never really done it for me though I like the character as part of the Avengers series. Spiderman villains just always seem to be too cartoonish to me (wait, did I just say that about a comic book movie? :^DDD), even in the comic book days. But anyway, yeah among the Spiderman movies, I thought this one was about the worst and even within the MCU films nowhere near an 8.5. 6.5 maybe.


It's pure fan-service. Fans made a list of demands and this movie does all of it


Which is why we watch silly superhero movies. Nobody wanted a Citizen Kane or Schindler's List for pop-corn entertainment. Those are for pretentious film connoisseurs.
