MovieChat Forums > Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Discussion > Gorr seems to travel just fine...

Gorr seems to travel just fine...

Without the Storm breaker and went from planet to planet without the Bifrost. Seems to me that he could have gotten to his destination just fine if he tried harder. These planets are not just around the corner from each other.


It's admittedly just hand-waving, since we don't know how "magic" works in the MCU beyond what they tell us. But it's not necessarily illogical or a plot hole unless its internally inconsistent.

The necrosword can obviously take Gorr all over the place, but its limitations include both Eternity and Omnipotence City. Apparently, so can Valkyrie's horse, Warsong.

But they outright tell us that the bifrost is the only way to get to to Eternity.


Yeah, that horse got there super fast


I think they actually called it a "portal horse" at one point. Seemed a throwaway line to explain that away.

It was my impression that the necrosword can basically warp to any shadow in the universe.


They had an infinite speed ship pulled by goats. BY GOATS FFS!!!!


The goats, of course, are perfectly in align with the stories of Thor. He had two, Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, which translate to teeth-barer and teeth-grinder. They pulled Thor's chariot and can take him anywhere in the nine-realms. An interesting, and rather gross, aspect of the goats is that if Thor doesn't have food when he stops for the night he can slaughter the goats and roast them. The next morning they are hale and hearty and ready for another day.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus
The Council on Jerusalem (coming )
