MovieChat Forums > The Invisible Man (2020) Discussion > the ending..... spoilers duh

the ending..... spoilers duh

OK get the f*** outta here with your BS.

she ran to the basement, got the suit, put on the suit, slashed his throat, changed, put the suit in the bag, and THEN played theatrics.

also Adrian was a genius and didn't sense Cecilia's intentions? i thought he could read her like a book. AND he kept the second suit for evidence? LOL

movie = 1.5/5 stars at best.


she didn't run to the basement, I think she had the suit she had taken earlier when she went to his house and she told people she had it, it was likely in her bag.


no, she hid the 2nd suit in the closet.

therefore got the suit, put on the suit, slashed his throat, changed, put the suit in the bag, and THEN played theatrics.
let's face it. the timing didn't make sense it was purely for shock value.

otherwise the camera will have 30 mins gaps before and after Adrian's suicide.


It still works amazingly well.


I kind of feel the ending leaves open ended the question of whether Arian was involved or if it was all his brother's idea. In which case she killed an innocent man.


Well, I'm pretty sure we saw her hide the suit she first discovered in her bedroom closet drawer, so it's quite doable (although she should've worn a tight hairdo or emerged from the bathroom with one to save time putting her "look" together). I was thinking: "Why stash it? Either put it on and go see-thru or take it with you - it was proof of her ravings, after all. But they may have been suggesting that she was an even longer planner than her hubbie, 'cuz it was right where she needed it in the end. I dug the hell out of this movie.
