Ang Lee

How can a director with movies like Crouching Tiger, Brokeback Mountain and The Life of Pi under his belt also happen to create this mess of Gemini Man.

Did he not learn anything from his Hulk movie?


I haven't seen the film, but from what I've read about it, it seems to me that more than anything he just wanted an excuse to play with some new technology that he had not worked with before. So unfortunately he decided that a threadbare story would do.


Shame shame.


Well - this film does feature action sequences which seem all too similar to the ones in the crouching tiger. The problem is - in Chinese kung-fu films, there's this magical chi and people can fly, so people accept it as being ok, in this film the action sequences seem ridiculous. So, Ang Lee kind of fucked up in that alone.


From the trailer it looks like a Bollywood movie.
