Not sure about this

I think it could go either way.


Unfortunately that does sum up Will Smith movies these days. Who knows, might be better than Aladdin!


I see what you did there.

Gemini....could go either way? Very clever.


Will Smith has become really bad at choosing film roles

If you look at his resume, his prime was actually very short-lived, even though he somehow became massively popular

I'm thinking maybe his success was kind of a fluke. He has great charisma, but many of his movies have not aged well. They were great for their time, they are all very mid to late 90s in style. But just being good looking and charismatic is not enough to have a good career nowadays. Most action stars are part of a franchise with a very strong brand. Dwayne Johnson is with Fast and Furious, the Chrises (however the hell you say plural of Chris) are in the MCU, Tom Cruise has Mission: Impossible, Keanu Reeves has John Wick. Even when they put out a few duds, they can always return to their sure-thing franchise and remain in the audiences good graces

Guys like Gerard Butler who try to do old-school Arnie, Sly Stallone, Van Damme career route of doing a bunch of different action roles don't tend to have the same success anymore

Smith tried to get a franchise going with Suicide Squad, but it was awful. He should probably try again. I mean, how many awful comic book movies did Ryan Reynolds do before Deadpool resurrected his career?
