MovieChat Forums > Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008) Discussion > girls like nora dont date guys like nick

girls like nora dont date guys like nick

super hot and super cool chicks just dont date plain awkward types, even if they both love sufjan stevens


Yeah, the casting in the movie wasn't that great. It seems they wanted Norah to be average looking and feel insecure about her looks, "dating" some douche for 3 years because he's the only one who gives her attention and then she falls in love with Michael Cera basically because they have the same musical taste.

And then they cast Kat Dennings? I like Kat, but she's too *beep* hot for this role.


You are correct that Norah is with the douche bag because he gives her attention but she KNOWS deep down he's hanging around so she can introduce him and his music to his music mogul dad.

Also she already had her eye on Nick when he was on stage. She had no idea who Nick was and he had no idea who she was, which she liked because he liked her for who she was not for who her Father is.

You'd be the only who thought the film was "trying" to make Norah average looking. Insecure yes but she was comfortable with how she looked, except perhaps her fashion sense (sports bra)and the fact that Tris got into her head saying Norah couldn't have an orgasm. Tris was the one telling her she wasn't good looking. Tris is the bully and the reason she feels inadequate. Tris also was trying to make her feel bad about being "entitled" because of her Dad.

As for falling in love, well isn't it great you meet someone who likes the exact music you like? That's only one aspect, they also like MUSIC, he wants to be a professional musician and she wants to produce music that's something else that's nice to have in common.

As for the OP's statement. He or she would lose their mind if they ever saw Notting Hill and She's Out Of My League. The hot chick falling in love with the Average Joe has become a true and tested story premise. Other examples - Zack and Mira Make a Porno and The 40 Year Old Virgin.

In real life, one of my best friends is a 6 ft, hairy, blob who smokes like a chimney. His missus is one hot blonde woman I.E The best comment "Gee, he's done well for himself." Jokingly he says she wants him for his money. Believe me he isn't rich. Another example, a short arse Filipino married a 5 foot 11 beautiful woman. I once actually asked him "Master, you must teach me. How did you do this!?"

So it can happen in fiction and in real life.

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If you don't like the show, stop watching it!


To be be honest I've seen some top tier women with average looking guys. You know sometimes it's just not always about looks. But I tend to think it happens more once people mid 20's and onwards when I see it rather then ages Nora is, when they have more life experience . It's rare to see in High School but it's not out of the question either. Sometimes people just connect beyond looks.


Kat Dennings has always been an unconventional beauty so I found her pairing with Michael Cera believable in the movie.


As far as attractiveness is concerned, my wife is about a million years of evolution out of my league. She's a solid 8 at the least, and that's probably underrating her. When we met, she was making huge tips as a cocktail waitress in a miniskirt and low-cut top. Yet I'm what might charitably be called "plain", and definitely socially awkward. I'm not anywhere near rich, I'm not a comedian, I don't have big muscles, and my dick is average-size at best. Yet here we are. It happens. I don't really understand it, but I ain't complaining.
