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what were your box office expectations for the 6 CBMs of 2017?

Going into 2017....what were your Expectations for The 6 CBMs....


Logan-(after The first trailer My expectations Went up)-I was thinking Somewhere between 500 to 650 Million World Wide(on this one, My prediction was 100% dependent on reviews, If Logan got average reviews, I expected closer to 500 M, If it got great reviews, I expected 600 to 650 M)

GOTG2-This was IMO A potential BILLION dollar Movie, Based on The overwhelmingly positive reception of The first film, I expected GOTG2 to make between 900 Million to 1 Billion(I think had the movie got just a little bit better reviews, It would have hit that mark)

Wonder Woman-This by far is the real stunner for me, I had Wonder Woman making between 400 to 550 Million, I didn't feel BvS did anything good for WW, yes she was one of the better received parts of the film, but she and her role was completed overshadowed by The train wreck that was the film itself, I also saw nothing to suggest the film would get good reviews or be good, I thought WW was going to be a my great surprise I was DEAD Wrong

Spider-Man Homecoming-this was an ODD one for me, I knew it would be successful, I just didnt know how successful, SM had a great role and introduction in A Billion dollar + movie in Civil War, but this was the second reboot in 5 years and the 2 Amazing Spider-Man films did damage and LOST Audiences, I also found it ODD that RDJ/Iron Man wasn't featured too much in the Marketing...I expected somewhere between 750 to 850 Million.

Thor Ragnarok-I was pretty close on this, I knew with the PLanet Hulk Storyline and with addition of THe Hulk the film would perform better than Thor 2, I expected A 750 to 800 Million total

Justice League-Straight UP NAILED this one, from the moment BvS hit, I knew JL would make LESS than BvS, from April 2016 to March 2017, I was thinking JL would make between 700 to 825 Million....but once Snyder was fired(or quit) and all the Absurd Production troubles started getting out, I knew this film was going to disastrously under perform or straight out FLOP, lol when The final month hit and WB resorted to the extreme desperate measure of waiting until the last possible second to release the review embargo and When WB didnt screen the film for US critics, I knew there was a very real chance JL could perform worse than anyone could imagine...Going into JL the last month I expected A 625 to 700 Million dollar total...

All in All, Wonder Woman was the biggest Surprise and I would have said the biggest Winner but Unfortunately Wonder Woman was in JL and I feel JL may have hurt Wonder Woman a little, theres just no getting the STINK OF JL off ....

Marvel Studios Impressively released 3 MCU film movies that all Grossed over 850 Million (Thor will top 850), all topped 300 Million Domestically and all had over 100 Million dollar Openings....Thats pretty incredible and proves somehow even after 9 years and 14 movies, The MCU is GROWING in Audience.

what were your expectations


Marvel Studios Impressively released 3 MCU film movies that all Grossed over 850 Million (Thor will top 850), all topped 300 Million Domestically and all had over 100 Million dollar Openings....Thats pretty incredible and proves somehow even after 9 years and 14 movies, The MCU is GROWING in Audience.

But... but, but SS outgrossed GOTG... snif, snif... An... and Harley Queen sold more dolls than Barbie... Bwaaaaaa, waaaahhhhh, and Avatar made more money than Elektra.... Ouch, my heart... Ayyyy... DCEU pwned.. Sniffff....

Disclaimer: Any resemblance with actual situations or people is mere coincidence, I promise......


I had no monetary expectations, only in terms of quality.

Logan - I don't care for the X-Men franchise since X-Men 2; I don't find Wolverine that interesting either. The movie was ok. Nothing to write home about. Had 1 good moment in it by Professor X. The rest I simply don't care.

GotG2 - I was expecting it to be as fun to watch as the first one. In part it was, but damn did it drag needlessly. Some pretty good moments, but that's it. I like what they did with the Mantis character.

Wonder Woman - Don't care for the character, ended up not caring for the movie at all. Hated the villain and the overuse of slow motion. Doctor Poison was cringe worthy.

Spider-Man Homecoming - I'm quite tired of Spider Man. Saw the movie with curiosity due to Spidey on the Civil War movie but was saddened by the amount of SJW cuck BS in it. Vulture could be better too; or, at least, have a better motif. Love the actor though.

Thor Ragnarok - Really liked it. Hella could be better or at least have more time for her [I think she needed those extra images from the trailer in which she looks like a cross between Marilyn Manson, Lady Gaga and Aizen Sosuke]. Odin dying like a bum didn't make him any favors. Korg and Hulk were hilarious. "sun is gettin' real low" moment was deliciously entertaining. This was one of the rare instances I claimed it would cross the 1 billion mark due to all the reviews and excellent word of mouth. Didn't reach it, but I got a pretty entertaining movie all the same

Justice League - I was expecting it to suck ass ever since the first trailer. And it did. No surprise there. I would put it on par with those Asylum movies.


This has been a complete MCU year. No excuses or the clasic "it was bad but made money". This time good or bad the DCEU couldn't compete with MCU.


Even the bad MCU movies are somewhat entertaining; even if forgettable. I can't say the same for any DCEU movies. They're either rotten or atrocious... which tends to stick in mind when you don't want them to.


Well, for the DCEU fans they are awful, but at least "they made money". What a bunch of loosers.


Good luck hearing a DCEU fan saying they are bad, though. THEY ARE MASTERPIECES!!!!!


I think everyone can agree that Wonder Woman was the red-hot surprise success of the year...and produced at a much smaller budget than every MCU this year.


I didn't like it. But... she's "hot" alright. :D


I find"t love it either but there is no denying that it was the biggest CBM surprise hit of 2017 and at a much smaller budget th any any of the MCU films this year.


My biggest surprise was Thor Ragnarok. Never thought I would join "fun" and "Thor" in the same sentence. ahah


I liked it until the final battle which was just so....predictable. Not the movies fault, but the genres.

Still....I really liked the movie, the performances and the setting. And I loved how upset my girlfriend and my niece and her kids got that they killed off Steve Trevor until I reminded them he'd be like 130 now.....


I'll be honest....I think the only one I was even close on was Spider-Man (should've been a billion, but Spider-fatique is strong with this character).

I expected Wonder Woman to flop and cheered when I was wrong (because it was a good movie to boot)

I expected Thor Ragnarok to flop because's f-ing Thor. But they brought a great new take to it.

Guardians I frankly didn't think about because I'm still stunned by how the first one did.

Justice know, I'll just keep saying take what is a sure fire, slam dunk, even Kevin Smith can't stink this up billion dollar concept that should bury the competition and throw it all away? That takes Olympic level incompetence.


I expected Thor Ragnarok to flop because's f-ing Thor. But they brought a great new take to it.


can you explain this more....what do you mean by FLOP

I could see how one might expect a Thor 3 not to perform Great....after Thor 2, which was by far the weakest MCU film, But still The first Thor made 449 and The second made 650 Million....

I would see no possible way Thor 3 could FLOP....I could absolute see how it could under perform, or not perform as well as it should...It wasnt out of the question, given how WEAK Thor 2 was that a Thor 3 film could perform between 500 to 600 Million, and While that clearly would have been Disappointing , it would not have been a FLOP...

for Thor 3 to be a FLOP, it would have had to a made like 350 to 400 Million(Maybe A Gross between 400 to 500 Million would have been looked as A FLOP, but in reality, The Studio would have broken even with that result)

Did you actually expect Thor 3 make between 400 to 500 Million? IMO thats where it would need to be to be A FLOP....

for me personally, I just couldnt picture A box office result like that for Thor 3 even as a worst case scenario...Based on The Success for The MCU films and the incredible goodwill theyve built, I didnt think it was possible for Thor 3 to make less than 600 Million....

when you sayy FLOP were you expecting Thor 3 to perform just not very good, Maybe make less than Thor 2...Or to actually mean FLOP and did you expect Thor 3 to make like 350 to 400 Million...


Yes, 400-500 is where I thought the Third Thor movie, without Portman (I think she's dreadful, but somehow she's a name) and with Loki AGAIN would land.

I've never been a huge Thor fan though and find him BORING when not with the Avengers. And even then, he's a gimmick.
