MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Imagine if IMDB was still up and running...

Imagine if IMDB was still up and running right now...LOL!

Could you even imagine the atmosphere?

I still remember how the DCCU zealots over there bragged about how "BVS will be a tidal wave that will wipe out the MCU and Star Wars" and how Justice League would "Destroy Avengers box office" here we are and it's looking like not ONLY will Justice League NOT beat Avengers box office--not ONLY will it not even MEET Avengers box likely won't even crack a billion. XD

I'm sorry, but that's just sad. Very sad. Nowadays, it's expected of superhero even movies to do big business and a movie of this importance, scale and magnitude would be expected to hit $1 billion in its sleep.

I don't care how DCCU zealots spin this--Justice League failing to even hit $1 billion is a DISGRACE. This is supposed to be DC's Avengers...and it's not even doing as well as some of the solo films, BO-wise. That's bad.

It seems, however, that WB is now content with their DCCU and I guess they figure that, because the films turn a profit, that's good enough for them.

This is pathetic. I love both Marvel and DC and want great movies from both. Instead, I get nothing but winners from Marvel and nothing but critically-panned DC movie after movie.

We live in an era where Avengers can crack almost $2 billion while Justice League can't even crack 1. Any way you spin it--that's bad.

And this would NOT be the case right now had this franchise been handled by competent people, had competent actors been hired and had competent people been at the production, writing and directing helms.

Just embarrassing...


Here's the thing... While there is still a lot of passion online about this DC vs Marvel nonesense I have yet to meet a single person in the real world who cares about this stuff at all...

I know a lot of StarWars/Trek fans, Ring Lord fans and even Throne Games fans in all walks of life from students and housewives to lawyers, doctors and executives... Passionate people who will talk for hours about their love for these movies and shows...

But when it comes to the Marvel vs DC rivalry or comicbook movies in general, I have yet to meet a single person with one ounce the fanaticism that I see regularly on message boards here, on the other site or even on home theatre sites...

Is it just an internet thing? Or is it real, but people are "closetted" about it in real life?


It's incredible how WB decided to continue even though most of their Films were misses. True MOS BVS and SS made money but only because the viewers wanted to believe in this franchise. The box-office of this film shows that they should have beginn anew with a new plan, vision and tone. I really hate the dark filter.


I'd love something akin to Burton's Batman again. Those movies were such classics and are still fun to watch to this day. DC knew how to be fun back then.


Yeah Batman 1989 was awesome, would have fit better in a world with Superman, or The Flash.


Absolutely. That was the era of theme songs so just imagine what it would be like for a Burton Justice League.


I doubt Burton would ever been interested in a Justice League Film (he couldn't make every character gothic especially Superman and Wonder Woman) but Robert Zemeckis would have been a fine pick.


A Zemeckis superhero film would be awesome!


Yeah it would.


Pathetic ? Yes.

Embarrassing ? Yes

Sad ?

Hell NO ! It's hilarious, I haven't laughed so hard since the Star Wars prequels !

What's even funnier is that those idiots at WB don't seem to get the message : they still haven't pulled the plug on this failure of a EU so we'll get even more stupid movies to make fun of and more retarded people to make fools of themselves on movie boards.

And I thought the party was over when they shut down IMDB in February... glad to be wrong : let the madness continue !


If this were the IMDB boards, at least we would have better Trolls and DC Zealots here. The ones here are so pathetic and soft. At least they have the excuse that the failure of Justice League put them in a permanent shock state.


Yeah, the ones here essentially just say: "Stop bashing our movie, you jerks!" and no much else. No effort is put into the debates either: "Yeah, well...the X-Men movies weren't any good either!!!"
