The Ending Was Pretty Grim

For a sizeable portion of the population that is. With the power going out:

- Every airplane crashed, killing tens of thousands.

- Every submarine shut down. Either from drifting down into crush depth or remaining locked, stationary tombs, all sailors undersea died.

- Most sailers on ships in open waters would have at best had a questionable fate.

- Any surgery would have been disrupted. People of life support would have died.

- All nuclear power plants would have shut down, and eventually there would be mass radiation plumes all of the planet, killing and poisoning tens of millions.

This was the future that displayed so naivelly, so hopefully at the end of this film.



What happened to the pairs of animals he collected?


What happened to the pairs of animals he collected?

If he was smart he would have saved them or at least took DNA samples to clone them. Now that he denied humanity a way to feed itself, every living thing that could be killed and eaten would be.

Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum. Is very bad.


Klaatu did say that being allowed to survive would come at a price.


No refriduration meaning no more food. I think the bulk or the world would have died on this alone.


Klattu had to be literally begged not to completely wipe ALL humans , he (or rather his reborn body/any dormant emotions) felt some vague attachment to Jennifer Connerly and her son so he stopped the wipe happening for them really, so they wouldn't die (and also maybe John Cleese's argument). he didnt care about humanity either way its just jen connerly convinced him not to kill everyone

As for all the deaths resulting for 'the price' yeh therd be thousands/millions of deaths. But as someone said maybe the aliens wiped out any nuclear power plants so they wouldn't shutdown and cause radiation stuff that would harm the planet
