Why only 6 episodes?

Why did the producers try to cram everything into six, rushed episodes? Why weren't the last two seasons 10 episodes like the first 6 were? At least do 8 episodes and properly pace everything.


Probably because of the budget. Battles cost money and so does some serious CGI like flying dragons etc.


A season is normally 10 x 45 minute episodes. This season has 4 or 5 episodes at 90 minutes length so it’s probably a longer season when counting minutes of footage.


It would have flowed a lot better in the traditional 10 episode format. This season feels like the "Reader's Digest Condensed Edition".


The first 2 episodes ran at snail's pace (slower and less meaningful than any prior episodes) - the rest were rushed. That's what happens when the producers try to write what hasn't been written yet.


Maybe they had to rush the pacing to be able to do Star Wars?



Maybe because the show sucks???


Now the new Star Wars-trilogy will suck too...

Edit: As the pacing in season 7 and 8

Could and should have been 10 seasons, at least with normal pacing, but they couldn`t write as good as George R. R. Martin. HBO never wanted Game of Thrones to end at least, their biggest moneymaker even though it was costly to make.



Really the last 3 episodes were extra. Going 10 x 7 would have the battle of Winterfell as the series finale. But they still had the Kings Landing story. HBO offered them 10 more episodes, but they only agreed to 3, so they split the last 13 into 2 seasons.

I get why they didnt want another full season. Some of those people work year round on the show and can't do other projects. The battle of winterfell episode I think they said it took 11 weeks to film. The loot train was the shortest episode, but also took weeks to film. In the past, they could film episodes simultaneously because there were different locations and different production units. In this season, they filmed the David Nutter episodes on the Winterfell set, then Sapochnik came in and used the same set for episode 3.
