MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > How many posters are here from IMDb game...

How many posters are here from IMDb game of thrones

Anyone from there?




I posted on GOT board for about 2 weeks until it all got too angry. I think it was between seasons, to be fair, and few were really talking about the show itself. They were mostly obsessed with the Walking Dead fans. But then, I also got everyone in an uproar by saying the show had almost too many characters to keep straight -- at least in referring to them just by name -- so maybe I was asking for it.


I'm usually only around when the season is airing, but this wait is agonising so here I am.


I posted there for one season, skipped the last season thought, will post about the next season again.


I skipped the last season, too. For some reason I moved on to some new obsession....although needless to say the show's of course really good.


I didn't wanna go to that board until the series caught up with the books, to avoid spoilers. It finally happened in season 5, so I went there and had so much fun during the season. When the season ended trolling started but I even found that part cute for a while. People warned me that was gonna happen so I knew what to expect... drama and stuff. It was relatively benign though.


Just lurked on the GoT forums on IMDB. But it was for sure one of the worst parts of the old forums with many trolls. Lots and lots of less interesting threads, and when i found interesting ones they more often than not seemed to be overtaken by the angry crowd throwing insults at each other, trolls or whatnot.

Heres to hoping this place can be a more civilized place to discuss one of the greatest shows on TV.


Hear, hear.

It will definitely be more civilized here because notorious people from GOT board have their own site now. I doubt they'll be spending much time here.


You mean the thegotboard/IMCforums?


Yes, this one: Game of Thrones board


Wow. You picked up the linking script very quick. I must be getting old haha :)


I'm here but waiting for the new series. I have asked for the books for my birthday next week though so am curious to see how they differ from the show.


I envy those reading the available books for the first time, you're in for a treat! Grab the World of Ice & Fire as well, provides an excellent historical chronology of prominent figures in Westeros' history, all the way up to the present.


Yep, only good place to be now that the idiots shut down their message boards!


Yep. A sword needs a sheathe, and IMDB literally removed the sheathe. Thankfully, this site will do.


