Sly’s head….

….was huge and square in this.
Especially side view.

I didn’t realize HGH made your head SQUARE!


He used way too much in this movie. He looked very off and just not good. Same thing with Rambo 4. I mean at 60, why are you taking that much HGH. He is lucky he did not damage his body.


He had that caveman look going for a while, right around 2005–2010.

Come to think of it, Arnold had that square head look going for a while there as well.


The most recent Rambo movie. Rambo: Last Blood. Not a great movie, but in that and Creed (2015) Sly was NOT talking any HGH and looked the most healthiest I have seen him in over 20 years.


He made himself fat before filming, thinking that's the direction he wanted to go in for a retired Rocky. But then he changed his mind, so had to drop fat fast. He ended up chunky.


Interesting, did not know that.


Come to think of it, Lebron James does have a large, square head too. Hmmm...


Steroids. I just don't get why anyone would put that stuff into their bodies.
