why was your character in prison?

My new character is a Knight Templar, so i figure he got into a "theological debate" with a couple of Tribunal Temple ordinators and was shipped back to Cyrodill from Morrowind before he had an "accident" in the ministy of truth.

Anybody else come up with a reason for your character being in jail at the start of the game?


my character was selling underage pornography. He's a sick S.O.B.


Internet piracy

My other account is a homosexual


my Nord Thief/Assassin stole all the cheese in Skingrad "took forever", then snuck around putting usless items into peoples pockets

i like being bad...it makes me happy *grin*
-Venom/eddie brock-


My my Dark Brotherhood nord for killing 59 Guards all over cyrodil, as well as 37 civilians.
Bounty of 698,450 gold pieces.

Fry: Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun?


My female Breton thought one of the alters in the Anvil chapel was a toilet.... Opps...


My female Dark Elf told the Count of Cheydinhal that abandoned house on the eastern part of the city does, infact, exist.... And he was pissed


Perseus really took it hard after losing his post in the Imperial Legion, and became a beggar on the streets of Bruma. He couldn't pay the fine when he was arrested for trespassing, and the rest is history...


For my more serious, role-playing characters:

*My female Breton battlemage was arrested because she got into a quarrel with an Altmer over who was better at using magicks (my Breton is just as condescending and haughty as the Altmer are) that resulted in them challenging each other to a duel which was promptly broken up before crap went down.

*My female Nord mage was arrested because one day she was so homesick for Skyrim that she ended up getting herself overly drunk and underestimating her own strength. She ended up doing damage to the pub establishment because her drunken self was showing off her magic skills, but she couldn't afford to pay back the owner and refused to work to pay off the damage. She almost got into a brawl with the owner (who was an orc--talk about a near mess right there), but it was promptly broken up when the neighbors complained to the guards about the racket. Because this was her fourth offense of this type of conduct, my Nord got arrested.

For my parody character, who is also a female Breton:

*She got arrested for littering. XD

Hyde: I'll live inside you forever!
Jekyll: ...Oh crap.


my most recent character got arrested for being khajit...go figure

i like being bad...it makes me happy *grin*
-Venom/eddie brock-


My character ended up in jail for photo-shopping naked pictures of Alessia Caro in bed with a bunch of Argonians.


the best ones were asking were a toilet was and refusing to sit in the back of the bus... rofl. or maybe people asking were to find these stories. :)


My Khajitt was in jail for sodomizing a paint horse - and then putting the video on YouTube!

It's better to rest in the warm body of a friend, than in a cold hole in the ground.


My Imperial Male was in jail for insulting all the counts and countesses of Cyrodill, then grafiting bad rumors about them on the exterior castle walls for all to see.

My Breton Male was in jail for accidentally magically assaulting a young Aragonian boy, and it was labeled a hate crime.

and finally...

My Imperial female was in jail, because she tried to break out her girlfriend from prison, and ended up getting arrested herself.


My dark elf got into the dark magic and led her to joining the vampires and becoming a murderer. after she escaped, she went right to where vampires were known to congregate in the empire, became one, and went on a murderous rampage of arena combat and dark brotherhood assasinations. while working up the mage's guild missions and working for count hassildor, she was cured of her vampirism and became her quest of redemption to right her past wrongs.


My Dark Elf (female) was thrown in the pokey after having a huge party at her house in Anvil. The Imperial Guards got complaints from people as far as Bravil and ended up arresting her for disturbing the peace. It was a great party though. Legendary. Residents all over Cyrodil wrote stories about it. There were also rumors that during the party she hooked up with Seridur, but she later denied this saying that she would never in a million years hook up with him.

My Movies: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=27274808


My guy is a redguard and was jailed for being black. That also explains why everyone has a low disposition to him.

"The day your born, your already dead."


My male Imperial was stalking Countess Caro and got caught in her bedroom one night.

My female Imperial asked an undercover Imperial guard if he was "looking for a party." He agreed to pay her 500 gold for "a good time" and she was promptly arrested.


My guy snuck INTO jail because he had nothing better to do on a Loredas.


I was a Dark Elf Female and her story was that she was a dominatrix and had services all over Tamriel and finally made her way to the emperor's sons and accidently killed them and was on the run until the guards caught me for tax evasion.

I am lightning. The Rain, transformed!


My character was a priest until he molested an alter boy. Now all of the adults hide their children when my character comes into town.

My back story is great because it explains why there aren't any kids in Oblivion.

"You broke my arm!"
"There's 215 bones in the human body. That's one."


Apparently it is still illegal for an Imperial to engage in inter-species erotica.


My character slept with Hieronymus Lex's wife.

Am I not 'turtely' enough for the "Turtle Club"?

