why was your character in prison?

My new character is a Knight Templar, so i figure he got into a "theological debate" with a couple of Tribunal Temple ordinators and was shipped back to Cyrodill from Morrowind before he had an "accident" in the ministy of truth.

Anybody else come up with a reason for your character being in jail at the start of the game?


My character was caught wanking behind a public rest-stop.


My character got set-up for desecrating the Church of Anvil. However, eyewitness reports at the time say my character was lingering about in a tavern while the incident happened, leading some to believe the Anvil Guard is a corrupt form of government.

We all go a little mad sometimes.


My Red Guard got high off skooma, climbed white gold tower and jumbed off for a dare. He landed on the adoring fan who was crying while he was falling.



My character is a hot female so she was caught pleasuring a guard behind Thoronir's shop...
I love bunnies...


My character an Imperial Male Knight was caught trying to *beep* a stranger in the a*ss!" He also had a felony robbery charge.


My character was arrested for attempting to pimp out the sons and daughters of Counts and Countesses, then blatantly lying and saying wizards and necromancers made them do it. Then they somehow managed to get necromancy banned by the Arch-Mage's college, through a sort of trickery to this day considered "truly a blessing by the Nines, or a curse of Dagon"---this trickery involves sleeping with the head mage.


My other character a mage/knight imperial hybrid was put into prison for being a "lady boy".



XBL - AvsFreak1

Noobs = Natures Kevlar


redguard, went to jail for groping an imperial woman on a staircase

brethon, went to jail for homosexual activity in the elven gardens

orc, went to jail for domestic abuse

dunmer, found guilty of false charges


My redguard was frequently pulled over and searched for no reason by the imperial guard. When he finally attempted to evade the law, he lead the entire guard on a long and drawn out chase around the imperial city while riding on his white bronco. When the chase ended, the guard planted skooma on him and promptly had him arrested.



XBL - AvsFreak1

Noobs = Natures Kevlar


Mines a drunken argonian skooma addict who was arrested for repeated public urination.


My original character was Mikael, a Nord from Skyrim. He made his way down to the Imperial City at an early age, in hopes of learning the ways of the world and not being just another big, dumb Nord. But he ended up getting into a fight with a guard and was thrown in jail.



a redguard homosexual.
