MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2023) Discussion > Major Plot Hole ***** Spoilers *****

Major Plot Hole ***** Spoilers *****

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I found a gaping plot hole in a very weak paper thin plot. Barry Allen finds finds himself in a world without superheroes. All of the events leading up to superhero creation aren't happening on this world. Therefore the lightning bolt, leading up his creation, wouldn't have happened at all in the Tim Burton universe.


you're saying there would be no lightning in that universe?


No, simply that the lightning bolt destined for Barry would've struck at a different moment in time.


Fair point, actually

Kara’s ship arriving and Clark’s ship NOT arriving should’ve altered weather patterns enough to at least change the timing of lightning strikes.

Heck, any change in air traffic should have that effect, regardless of where on the planet. And replacing Affleck’s Batman with Kenton’s would DEFINITELY change the flight plans of Wayne’s private jet.

All of those tiny changes could, and maybe even should, be sufficient to mess with Barry’s lightning strike, given how unpredictable lightning tends to be.


The movie went out of the way to declare that there are certain inevitable events. The entire finale revolves around this point. Barry being hit by lightning is clearly one of them.


Ah that’s also true

Still there was a lot involved in staging Barry-2’s “accident” — hard to imagine it was as inevitable as the deaths of Bruce and Kara


I think a way to understand that is to realize that Barry-2.1 caused that by shoving Barry 1 out of his time bubble, and without realizing it, he was a pawn of fate when he brought Barry 2 to the lab.


Also a legit point

Reminds me of “Lost” discussions — someone explained the notion of monotubular space time to me as a “self-sealing tire”

The notion being that fate does not have to be sentient to be self-correcting


That isn't a plot hole at all. He is not in a world without any superheroes, and/or without the possibility of superheroes. He's in one where the heroes he knows aren't around. There's still a Batman. There's a super Kryptonian being, just not Clark Kent. Worst case, in the universe he's now in there would not have been a Flash had he not directed Barry to that spot at that time, but the potential was still there.


Yeah of all the “plot holes that aren’t” on this website, have to say the OP’s is a doozy

It’s NOT a plot hole … it’s a plot POINT

Barry CAUSES the accident that otherwise wouldn’t have occurred in this superhero-unfriendly timeline

It’s like saying a James Bond villain would’ve succeeded had Bond not stopped him, so Bond’s actions are a “major plot hole”



I guess I would've preferred for that scene to have been executed differently.


Exactly, and I'm guessing that Themyscara and the Atlanteans still exist, it's just that Barry has no way to get to either. Not that either group would help him.
