MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2023) Discussion > That skinny girl is gonna be the Supergi...

That skinny girl is gonna be the Supergirl of this and all following movies?

she has even less flesh than Gal Gadot

No way she can fight Zod


There's no way Gunn is keeping anything at all from the Snyder-verse. It's going to be a sweeping reboot. Whatever nice things he says now is just to protect the box office.


While she is beautiful I don't like her hair cut nor her costume nor her pissed off demeanor.

Helen Slater was delicate and feminine with her beautiful smile and classic skirt and dress.

Why are DC Comics so ashamed of their super heroes and heroines? Why not go back to the classic look and bright cheerful costumes and great lines like "truth, justice and the American way". People clap for this worldwide because it is iconic and fiction.

This is why Marvel is so successful as are some sequels like Top Gun. Give people the real Mccoy instead of cheap changes.

Such a pretty woman but made to look like she's PMS mad in her scenes or constipated and angry.
