Audience in minimums

Last episodes, audience were under 5 million twice (and perhaps three times, depending on the the last episode final numbers). Since the beginning of the modern Doctor Who, in 2005, that has happened only in 4 episodes, two of them from June 2017, the other two of them in February 2020, last month.


I don't know why people care about rankings and/or box office returns.
I view film (good TV and movies) as art. If it is good/great, who cares how many people watched it.
I understand arguing against something on its merits/demerits, but why mention viewership?


Because whether you like it or not. surprisingly a business is in it to make money :s/ shocking I know


Their business. Not mine. I only care about how good something is.


And they will not make stuff you like if its not profitable. Look im not saying you have to like it, im saying its reality.


And Doctor Who is not exactly cheap.


Its all economics. Obviously I wish they made movies to appease fans, for arts sake and to make the best content they can. That doesn't always align with economic interests unfortunately


With the deals with America and China I can't see the show doing bad. Didn't they just sign a deal with HBO Max or something.

I mean because of the way the BBC works TV licensing and so on I suppose most of their profits for doctor who would be licensing, overseas, merchandise etc.


Can you have magic in Chinese movies and tv shows?


I could not wait til it got released every single week..

Maybe Im lying.. who knows


So no one is going to mention that we suddenly have two members with kuku in their username who have exactly the same views on Doctor Who and are waging the same sustained online attack against the show on political grounds?

Amazing coincidence. And they say Doctor Who has lazy writing, these guys aren’t even trying anymore.


So no one is going to mention that we suddenly have two members with kuku in their username who have exactly the same views on Doctor Who and are waging the same sustained online attack against the show on political grounds?

Amazing coincidence. And they say Doctor Who has lazy writing, these guys aren’t even trying anymore.

The hard disk broke and I couldn't remember the pass from my old account, so I created a new one. What's the problem?


The problem is your broken record, I mean disk, obviously.

Glad there’s no funny business and you’re still here to share your thoughts on your favourite show. It wouldn’t be the same without you kuku point 2.


That's why I use the same two passwords for all forums! Three browsers also remember them.


If do the same, and I tried a couple of pass I use for forums, but they didn't work. I have a a secondary mail I use for registering, but it didn't work neither.

The mail for this new account took almost 24 hours to arrive (for some reason, there's a delay in yahoo mails some times), so I guess I took a shortcut with some temporal mail when I made the original account.


Ratings in the hole. What i'm curious about is how the ratings are for BBC in general. Cause I know they're on the ropes. Streaming is kicking the hell out of these agenda fools.


Not good. 4-5 years ago the changed the way they measure audiences. Instead of the number of people watching the show overnight, what they measure now is that number and the ones watching the streaming during the following week.

When you compare audiences, let's say current season with the original Russell T Davies seasons, the numbers are not measuring the same thing. And that applies to the BBC as a whole.
