Jackie Tyler

Best line: "You're always doing this, reducing it to science. Why can't it be real?"


"Arianna got two thousand quid off the council just 'cause the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek. I know she is Greek but that's besides the point - it was still a valid claim."


While not her saying it I love when rose says to 9 that Jackie's cooking and the doctor is like good put her on a slow heat and let her simmer


After The Doctor has spent a few minutes making out she's old and incompetent to the Torchwood team, finalising it by saying her ankle is going, Jackie snipes; "I'll show you where my ankle's going."


The Tylers were in Torchwood? Interesting. It's just I never watched the first two seasons. Totally missed them.


No, the Torchwood team I was referring to was the version that the Doctor met in the Series 2 finale two-parter.


Ah yes, I remember the line now. It was at Canary Wharf with the Daleks and Cybermen.


That's it.


Am I the only one who likes Jackie Tyler more than Rose Tyler?


Not at all. Rose is insufferably irritating. Jackie is hilarious.
