Season 7

When is Season 7 going to be made? Lost is too iconic of a series to not have a reboot or continuation, and nostalgia for the series will only continue as the show ages. 2024 will be the 20th anniversary of the series, so it could be a good time to revisit the series.


A reboot wouldnt be a 7th season. Not sure how a continuation would work when most of the main characters are dead.


Dylan Minnette (Jack and Juliet’s son Dave) is famous now, so they could have him back trying to solve the mystery of what happened to his parents leading him to the island where he could meet Hurly, Ben, Walt and grown up versions of Aaron, Ji Yeon, Sawyer’s daughter (forget her name), and Sayid’s niece and nephew. Ecko and Anna Lucia and Michael could make guest appearances since their ghosts are still on the island. Rose and Bernard would still be on the island as well and could make cameo appearances.


Dylan Minnette´s character wasn´t a real person.


Just redo season 6 and remove all the flash sideway stuff (purgatory)... that was such a waste of time...


haha, true.


The island wasn't purgatory. You obviously didn't understand the ending. Don't feel badly though, because lots of people misunderstood the ending.


Read that last post again — looks to me like OldG is talking about season 6’s “flash-sideways” scenes, not the island itself.

In fact, the island had sunk to the bottom of the sea in the flash-sideways world.

Now one could argue that the flash-sideways world STILL wasn’t purgatory (because they weren’t paying for their sins, per se), but it was definitely and explicitly the afterlife.


As ExTechOp pointed out I am not talking about the Island being Purgatory (even though I believe that was the writers original idea... they just decided to change that when everybody was saying so after 3 episodes) but just the Flash Sideways in Season 6... And ExTechOp made a good point that maybe Purgatory isn't the right word to use... but definitely some sort of afterlife...
