MovieChat Forums > Iron Man (2008) Discussion > Tom cruise as Iron man ?

Tom cruise as Iron man ?

Done get me wrong..Without RDJ there is no Ironman..But heard Cruise was first approached for the role and he couldn't take due to his schedule..If he had taken it whether this movie would have achieved the same intensity as it did with RDJ ?



I like Cruise a lot more than most, but he would not be a good choice for Iron Man.


Yeah it was true... we dodged a bullet with Cruise.

No point trying to show mercy to the stupid, they wouldn't know what to do with it anyway


We only think "Without RDJ there is no Iron Man" because all we know is RDJ as Iron Man. If Cruise had taken the role, it would certainly be different, but are we sure it wouldn't have worked? I say we're not sure at all.

Now, would Cruise have stuck around for two direct sequels and three Avengers movies (Civil War being the third) so far, with more on the way? One of the strengths of the MCU so far has been its continuity. They cast every major role perfectly, and everyone's still on board . . unless you're pining for Terence Howard, which I am not. Tom Cruise is a genre unto himself, and being part of an ensemble isn't really his shtick. I say that as someone who likes most of his movies.

It'll be interesting to see where they go after the next two Avengers movies. At some point, we'll have to either accept or reject RDJ's replacement. Tough act to follow, for sure, but if they do it right we'll manage to move on.

If we can stick with James Bond through six actors, I have faith Iron Man will go on post-Robert Downey Jr.


I have meddled with the primal forces of nature and I will atone.


Cruise owned the rights to Iron Man and attempted to produce it with himself in the lead. This is going back 20 years and a lot probably happened with the rights between Cruise and Marvel deciding to get into the film business.

I do not believe he was ever in consideration for that part after he lost the rights.


A Tom Cruise movie, is a Tom Cruise movie he plays Tom Cruise.


It'd be awful.

He's like 4-foot-8. Putting him in a suit an flying around would resemble Ant Man more than Iron Man.


I have a hard time nowadays seeing Tom Cruise as anything but a crazy, alien dwarf.
