Mike Myers character

I really think this is an awesome move, as I usually do for Tarantino movies! However, for me, the one role that takes me out of the moment is Mike Myers' character. Not because he did a bad job but probably because of his comedic past, especially the "Austin Powers" movies. I really love Mike Myers and am almost always happy to see him in any role (Definitely not "Love Guru", lol!), but this one just kind of startles me out of the story and makes me remember I'm watching a movie instead of just getting lost in the story. Anyhow, I'd love to hear how any of you people who are familiar with Mike Myers' past experienced the scene.


I liked the scene just fine, although I didn't recognise Myers at first, so that might have given me time to enjoy the character without imposing Myers on it. I'm not a big fan of Myers'; he's a bit too hammy for me - mugging for attention almost. So, not having seen a lot of his films might have allowed me more "distance" to appreciate the character, too.

There was something that sorta bugged me about it, or maybe made me laugh and shake my head. In several interviews and promotional items about Inglourious Basterds, Tarantino made a big deal out of casting "authentically". He put real Germans as the Germans and so forth. There was a piece about Diane Kruger being rejected at first because Tarantino didn't think she was really German (and they all had a big laugh! ha, ha, ha!) So why did he think Myers was authentically English, then? What is that all about?


I can understand not being too into Mike, but I grew up on Wayne's World & I really enjoy watching "So I Married an Axe Murderer" from time to time. I wish I didn't realize it was him so I could evaluate the performance properly, but it just throws me off! It kind of bums me out when popular actors get thrown into good movies at random, it really startles me out of the movie sometimes.

That's pretty interesting that Tarantino made a big deal about casting "authentically"! He sure as hell didn't do that with Myers! But I suppose it would be really difficult to make an entire movie, with a huge cast, that has authentically ethnic cast. I do believe I've heard Mike Myers has an English genealogy, but I'm 99% sure he's Canadian!

Anyhow, I appreciate your thoughts on it!


Same. Bad casting.


I'm OK with Myers but if Simon Pegg was actuaLLy cast as Lieutenant Archie Hicox (trivia), I would've skipped that chapter all the way.



I feel like Simon Pegg would've felt a lot better in that role, especially because he wouldn't have had to fake the accent. (I believe the role was a Brit, but it's been a while since I've seen the movie, so forgive me if I'm wrong) However, there's no reason it needed to be a comedic actor, so I'd be cool with just about anyone that didn't startle me out of the movie. Again, I really like a lot of Mike Myers movies and SNL, but this just jolted me out of the movie.

Still think it's a great movie but perhaps some shitty casting in this case, at least in my eyes.


It didn't help that he did a little Dr. Evil smile when he says 'Operation Kino'.


I am watching this right now and I am in complete agreement with you. It feels like Mike Myers doing Dr. Evil or even Austin Powers comes out in that scene for me.
