I like it!

This gets a bad rap, but if you watch it again, it holds up very well compared to modern superhero movies. It’s more serious and depends less on jokes and witticisms. The heroine is gorgeously photographed, and the cinematography is breath-taking. The fights are stylized and not so dependent on endless CGI effects as nowadays.

Jennifer Garner gives a great performance in a very dream-like movie.
Far far better than Catwoman. Better than Wonder Woman (let’s face it, Gal Gadot is hopless as a dramatic actress). Better than Captain Marvel, which is too formulaic with a dull lead and nothing new to offer.

Elektra doesn’t have a great action plot, but the more quiet, meditative moments (of which there are many!) give it an ambience that lifts it above the other female superheroine films. At least, for me.

Elektra does have flaws (the good vs. evil thing is silly, the intro is poorly done, and the idea of an agent for Elektra is weird, and the film really ISN’T a superheroine film at all and isn’t that faithful to the comic depiction). That said, I’ve watched it more than than Catwoman/WW/CM combined.


I like it too!


I’ve spared myself of the latter, fortunately.

The movie was never meant to be a super movie. It was more of a cash grab spin-off off Daredevil before fans accepted the idea. A lot of people were put off because even though she is super hot and a big time character in DD. She wasn't the main attraction and she died. Electra was a lower budget film with less known actors, added an asian flair which a lot of people don't generally like, No Ben Afflect though Ben was with Jennifer Garner he didn't even make a came to gather fans and a cross over. She didn’t even pursue him for that. Im sorry but for as hot as Jennifer Garner was in DD people went there to see Ben be Daredevil not her be Electra. Adding Electra was supposed to be dead. Who’d want to see a dead character? All of these made the film lose fans and underperform.

Good vs evil? Um don't all films have that? All super hero films?
But on this film it wasn't like that. It was more of the yin-yang which was actually fitting.

Electra was supposed to be an assassin and technically an evil character. No matter how attractive she was. This was a central part of the character where she struggles between good and evil killing the family or not and it back fired since they betrayed her and was a set up. This was more of Jennifer Garner alias’, crossing over to film and taking over the character. She did it perfect and though it might not appear. I’m a major fan of the film. But am really disappointed she didn’t continue her career in this fashion and became an A-list actress. She is perfect. Though I never did think she went with Ben and never liked that whole Gary Busey scenario. I did think she had major potential.


I've always liked it too but I've also seen articles where Jennifer Garner was supposed to feel unhappy about the way it was made - too soon, too fast and too cheap as I seem to remember.


Based. You're 100% correct in it holding up well compared to modern superhero movies.

I think some flicks like this one came a little to early to really catch on. With the superhero craze in full tilt these days, if this had came out today and got the feminist push that Wonder Woman & Captain Marvel got it would have been much more successful both financially and critically.

Though I disagree on this being far better than Catwoman, Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. I like all four.
