MovieChat Forums > Superman Returns (2006) Discussion > Lois should be a Gale Weathers type figu...

Lois should be a Gale Weathers type figure

A bossy bitch not a generic damsel girl next door.


I don't know who that is but I fleetingly thought you'd said Carl Weathers as I glanced at this.

Sadly too late now but who knows - perhaps being bold enough eighteen years ago to show Superman wrapped up in the loving embrace of a strong muscular black man would have been the shot in the arm this film needed to propel its box office into the stratosphere...


Gale Weathers is Courteney Cox's character from the Scream movies.


Thanks. Had no idea! Think I watched the first one when it came out but not a franchise I have got into...


They had that literally there in the movie , Parker Posey played Gale Weathers in Scream 3


Courtney Cox in her prime would have made a great Lois Lane.


Courtney Cox, Margot Kidder and Karen Allen look like sisters.

Agreed Cox would have been a great Lane.


She's Lois not Kate Bosworth.
