Who saw it in 4DX?

First movie I've ever seen in 4DX.

For those who don't know what this means, the cinema is an immersive experience.

Chairs that move. Punches felt in your back. Vibrations. Wind machines. Lightning effects. Smoke effects. Snow effects.

I was impressed.

I'm not a fan of moving chairs but the other things were cool.


punches that felt on your face - that doesn't sound that great

Though I would be interesting in seeing a porn in this format lol

PS. Then again, if a chick is getting it in all 3 holes, do you also? Perhaps I'll skip the porn 4dx after all.




Very crude, my friend.


Porn is very crude by its nature, Mr. Prime Minister.


would be funny though if someone actually punched you, would that be 5DX? lol

the snow effect and fog effect would be cool. not a fan of the moving seats though, I would prob hurl after 2 hours of moving around.


I didn't know such a thing existed! Now I want to try it out. I have to go to either Houston or Austin though since there isnt one in north texas. Bummer...

So for the snow effects how does that work? Do you need to bring a jacket for those scenes? You feel the temperature drop?


No it was just some flakes over the screen.


Never done the 4DX thing or even know where to, bit that sounds like it would be interesting for certain films.


It made an average movie entertaining.
