

Welcome to the 2021 shitfest.


Camp was always the only way to go with an adaptation of a video game that was basically a cross between Bloodsport and Big Trouble in Little China. I'm still impressed, though, at just how tighter and more coherent a script the '95 version had when compared to this.

Hell, I'm not entirely sure I wouldn't say the same of Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, and that's certainly saying something.


Annihilation is an awful movie. A few years ago I decided to revisit it to see if maybe I'd feel differently about it after 20 years, but nope, it really is not good at all.

I would have to say that 2021 is better than Annihilation, but that isn't saying much.


I just finished it. It was mostly garbage.

I thought the first half hour was fairly entertaining and thought at that point that it might end up being a fun B-movie experience. It quickly went to shit after that though.

It's like they started out with the nucleus of a story idea but then just didn't know where to take it from there. And they didn't want to do a straight tournament movie because that had already been done. So the result is a half-baked concept that was poorly executed. It's no shock that the director is someone I've never heard of and that this is his first feature.

I will credit them for doing well with Sub-Zero and Kano, and the fight choreography was pretty good too. But other than that, it's a disjointed mess that often feels like something that's fan-made.

The '95 film, by contrast, is a lot of fun with a coherent story, much better production design, much better casting and a far superior soundtrack.

1995 > 2021 and it's not even close.


It was horrible. Should clean up the Razzies.
