What if this was an ending?

I know it is too late, but I had a thought. What if Evan was born as someone else in a new family? He would still have been born, but as an entirely different person with an entirely different family. This sounds stupid now that I am saying, but what are your thoughts?

Mean people suck! Nice people rule!


It wouldn't work that way and if it did it sounds better than part 2 already.


Sounds messy.. it wouldn’t make much sense.

Interesting maybe, but not a missed opportunity.


The whole movie was messy. It could have been great but instead it gave me a headache


the movie was confusing enough


Making the whole thing a bad dream (waking up @the end in college with buddy Lennie a la the actual movie itself) would be neat.. but a mind F (per the Nostaglia Critic on Tom and Jerry: the Movie)
