MovieChat Forums > Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Discussion > Beatrice not knowing about the birth mak...

Beatrice not knowing about the birth makes no sense

How does a coma patient give birth anyway? You can't tell her to 'push', so do they have equipment to do the pushing FOR her, or does the baby just get born 'automatically' somehow?

Now, I am not an expert on coma patients, but from numerous stories of 'awakened' coma patients, we can conclude that coma patients pretty much ALWAYS know and even remember what's going on around them, even if we think they do not. They KNOW, they are aware, they remember!

This means there's NO WAY Beatrice could've given birth without knowing or at least hazily remembering doing so. Coma doesn't mean your awareness goes away, it's not a 'sleep mode', you are awake and aware. She would know and remember the kid.

Another problem is that if they can't somehow force a 'natural birth' (as oxymoronic as that sounds), they they'd have to do a 'C-section', which would leave a SCAR.

Why would Beatrice not notice a C-section SCAR on her body?

No matter how you look at this, the whole thing makes NO SENSE, it's just a typical 'coma fantasy', where coma is not understood at all.


Kill Bill is a parody of/tribute to exploitation films where logic isn't at the forefront.


How do you know there wasn't a scar? A c section scar could be evidence doctors retrieved a now stillborn fetus, no?

Jesus dude.


The OP said there would be a scar and wondered why she wouldn’t see it.



I'm currently reading this guy's post history.

The ridiculousness of his neurotic nature is actually quite entertaining.

I'd say he's trolling, but I can't give him that kind of credit. 🤣🤦‍♂️


Ahhh, my bad.


Wait, let's calm down a little. You're right in theory, but you're sounding a little histrionic here.

You're right--the whole "she didn't know she gave birth" is pretty much bullshit. It's this idiotic plot point that took me out of the movie. This is a plot point that only idiot manchildren who don't know anything women or childbirth or any of that would've accepted at face value but as a woman, I just very weak, if not lame.

Of course, the baby would've been delivered by C-section and she would've had a scar. Of course. But let's say for the sake of argument she gave birth vaginally. Even back then, everyone had heard a million stories about the babies of comatose and even braindead expecting mothers being saved, so why wouldn't Beatrice have assumed that this wasn't the case?

If QT had wanted to set this "missing baby" angle with some level of intelligence, he could've had Beatrice learn that her baby had been delivered, told it had been adopted out and then be misled by Bill and the others about what happened to her (sold into white slavery, torn apart by dingoes, whatever). Then that could've been set the revenge story in motion.


At what time in your life did things suddenly stop making sense to you?
