MovieChat Forums > Finding Nemo (2003) Discussion > Do most adult really like this?

Do most adult really like this?

I'm a female in my mid 20s, and I'm not a movie snob or anything. People had been telling me I should see this movie for a while, so finally a few days ago i decided to give it a try. About 25 minutes into it, I'd had enough. It's cute and all, but come on, it's a kid's movie. Why do so many adults like this?


For some reason I've never really cared for this movie. I think it's a bit boring and just too unrealistic with everything that happens. Some animated films you can believe they're real bust not this one. I just didn't find a lot I liked about it and it was really long too.

I prefer A Bug's Life and probably even Cars. I'm surprised by this high rating.


I only saw it a year or so ago, and I liked it, for the reasons others said. Visually, it was beautiful, it's fun, and I enjoyed the characters.

But then I also liked Shrek. And I'm an adult.


Hey, Cat! Funny to see a thread you and I both replied to when the IMDb boards were still alive!🐰🐰🐰


Stratego! I didn't know you'd replied to my 3-years-ago IMDb board self!



Hihi! I never expected you to reply to my reply to your reply from your 3-years-ago IMDb board self! Okay, I hope you got that!πŸ˜†



Got it! πŸ‘

It's almost spooky seeing our old selves posting together on this thread. Who knew years later we'd meet here!?





What's weird is that although we both posted on this thread, back before the SS IMDb sank into the abyss, we didn't know one another then. Yet, we've met and become friends here. How weird and wonderful is that? PLUS, we both loved Finding Nemo, despite being (alleged) adults!

M Night Sheboygan would be the perfect director for this tale!



Sounds like a Disney movie, Cat. With lots of fluffy bunnies! 🐰🐰🐰Maybe we should sell our story!πŸ˜†



i liked it when i first saw it, but i'm not a fan of it as much. it's good, but not one of my favorite Pixar films.


It's actually a pretty solid family movie. But everyone is entitled tho their opinion and everyone seems to have that one movie that they hate that everyone else loves.


I'm a 27 year old female and I love this movie.

*All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.*🎭




Watch it again from an adults' point of view, and just listen to Ellen DeGeneres as Dory, and her lines. My Wife & I have been watching the DVD, in anticipation of Finding Dory coming out. Nemo is one of her favorite movies, she'll be 50 in a week and a half, and I'm almost 48, and have no kids, but we see cartoons like Dory or Ice Age, because if you listen to the dialogue of the characters, most of the jokes or lines were written with adults in mind. It's humor that goes over the heads of kids, but adults would get, because depending on the situation in the movie, a lot of adults have experienced the same situation, so we laugh because it's happened to us at one point. So you have to watch it from an adult POV.


I like some kid movies but I hate this with a passion. I will never watch the sequel.


I was nearly 33 when I went to see it. What encouraged me to go to it was to see if kids would get scared of Bruce the shark.

