MovieChat Forums > Unfaithful (2002) Discussion > I don't blame Connie for cheating

I don't blame Connie for cheating

Paul was gorgeous, I don't think anyone could resist him ๐Ÿ˜


Ummm, so just because you find someone attractive, it's okay to cheat on your spouse? LOL. Okay...


You obviously have never been A.Married and B.Cheated on. Both A and B must coincide together for you to not have said what you did. Its very hurtful and a selfish act regardless of looks. I pray you never have to go through that.


Shame on you.


I could and absolutely would resist him.
Edward was faithful and gorgeous.


I could and absolutely would resist him.
Edward was faithful and gorgeous.

Agreed! What the hell was so special about Paul?? He was scuzzy!
Had he ever heard of a razor? A haircut?!

Edward may have been a bit routine~bound, but if Connie felt a problem with that sh sure never showed it.
He was deeply loving & SHOWED IT, a good father, wealthy, and handsome.
Connie deserved a serious karmic crap on her head for what she did to him.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Agreed! He's damn hot! Totally not her fault. That's like a once in a lifetime gig, you don't pass that up ;)

Also, if the husband wasn't so boring... perhaps she'd have not strayed


The post-feminist Skank-Ho Ethics of mspac75 and the OP are why American men should NEVER marry, and simply hire 3 wimminz to have children, i.e. 1)Egg Donor; 2) Surrogate Mom; 3) Nanny...

... cheaper than Divorce, NO "joint custody" with a worthless skank-ho, and you get genetically-selected kids with no strings attached.


Disagree. Paul was kind of scuzzy looking. Ugh. Plus he was a player with a different woman for every day ending in a "Y". Yuck.

Edward was a loving, devoted husband and father. I would choose him ANY day over a roll in the hay with that scuzzbucket. Sensible women would kill to have an Edward. Connie was stupid to jeopardize her great life.


100% agree!


She wasnโ€™t looking for it. It crept up like the wind. It doesnโ€™t happen often. Maybe never for some. But when it does, itโ€™s impossible to resist. And it never ends well.


Amen. Gorgeous Frenchmen are hard to resist. I know from experience LOL. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Really? So just because someone is blessed with extreme attractiveness, that means that marriage vows and morals get tossed right out the window? Really? Is that it with relationships and marriages? The unwritten law that says "Yes, we are together, married or in a relationship together, but you better know that if i find someone better looking than you, i will drop you like a sack of potatoes!" Really? Good looks will wreck togetherness? Sad!!! With an attitude like that, no wonder there are sooo many breakups and divorces. I am on Quora, which is an advice website. There are a trillion questions on relationships and dating advice. Many individuals ask the same question. Sorta like "My ex is with another man/woman. How do i get back with them?" It is amazing how many people cannot leave togetherness alone. Don't be a homewrecker! Find someone single.


