MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > Not a fan of "fan-favorite" Elaine

Not a fan of "fan-favorite" Elaine

She's a terrible player and a questionable human being. When her name came up in Ep 1, she went into crying and begging while using the "anyone but me" line to anyone who would listen. No strategizing or gameplay, it was just "poor old me". Instead of trying to get another Ally or two, she expresses, to everyone, that she'll throw anyone under the bus.

She's not a funny person but uses humor to disarm people so they'll like her. Like Mike Huckabee doing a talk-show circuit, it's insidious and obvious.

Then, after a day of begging and whining to everyone (even though she got no votes), in Ep 2 she had the nerve to tell Aaron "what's what" after tribal council. Trying to act like a boss after such a pitiful display in Ep 1. Talking down to him for being on the wrong side of the vote while being such a shit player herself?

What are we supposed to like about her?


Not even sure who she is... wait. Ok she is the southern gal, right? Yeah they focused on her in the first episode but not much since. I think she won’t last long.


What are we supposed to like about her?

I think she's just supposed to be eye candy in her sports bra.


I've warmed up to her but she was very annoying at first. This whole cast is pretty weird. Everybody is so moody and emotional.


i loved when she dropped:

"listen 'eer big red" to that ginger dude. LOL
