MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > What if Boston Rob Won All-Stars?

What if Boston Rob Won All-Stars?

I'm asking this question because I believe that if Rob won All-Stars, that it could potentially alter the course of the series. Let's assume that at the last pre-merge challenge, he realizes that making a deal with Lex that he intends to betray later is a bad idea. Instead, to save Amber from being voted out, he throws the challenge and eliminates Alecia, who he had no deal with. Assume things go pretty much the same from there, without Rob betraying Lex, since he never made the deal with him, so he ends up winning Lex, Kathy, Rupert and Jenna L's votes, giving him the victory. I want you guys to answer a few questions in your posts, if that's okay.

First off, assume Rob and Amber still get married and that Rob decides to never participate on a season again, since in the original timeline, he decided not to compete again after winning RI.

* How is Rob remembered as a player, since he won on his second try?

* How is the strategy of future seasons affected?

* Who could be on HvV in his place?

* Do certain seasons exist in this alternate timeline?

If you don't want to answer every question, that's okay, but try to answer at least one.


How is Rob remembered as a player, since he won on his second try?

Without betraying Lex, it's hard to see how he even gets to the end. If he did, I don't know the circumstances as to how that happens. Do Lex and Kathy simply allow Rob and Amber a free pass while they get rid of Jerri and Shii-Ann? How Rob handles the social game greatly affects how he is remembered.

Let's say all things stayed the same in All-Stars and Shii-Ann decided to vote for Rob, giving him the win. My perception of Rob would be that he was an arrogant, alpha-male challenge beast, who was close to the ultimate player. As great as he was at influencing his tribe members and using them as pawns, he was terrible at how he treated people in the aftermath. Lex and Big Tom are cases in point.

Do certain seasons exist in this alternate timeline?

Yes, no season was built for Rob, no matter how much haters claim it was. HvV would have happened with or without Rob. Redemption Island would have happened with or without Rob. Originally RI was supposed to be Hatch vs. Russell, for God knows what reason. They would have found another returning player.


To clarify, he still gets rid of Lex early in the merge, but when I say he doesn't "betray" him, I mean that he hasn't made the "you take care of her, I'll take care of you *beep* deal" that pisses Lex off immensely. I feel that if he simply eliminated him without making the deal, Lex would have forgiven Rob and voted for him. Like I said, I picture Rob pretty much dominating the rest of the merge like in the original season, maybe being a bit nicer, then gaining at least 4 jury votes, winning the game.


I still think it depends on who he takes to the end with him. He probably loses to Tom, he would have trouble beating Rupert, but he would have beaten Alicia or Jenna Lewis fairly easily I would think.


* How is Rob remembered as a player, since he won on his second try? A legend

* How is the strategy of future seasons affected? I don't think Rob had any influence on how seasons play out strategically

* Who could be on HvV in his place? Anybody

* Do certain seasons exist in this alternate timeline? Redemption Island certainly wouldn't exist for sure.


* How is Rob remembered as a player, since he won on his second try?

Same as Amber right?

* How is the strategy of future seasons affected?

Not at all just like Amber winning didn't affect anything.

* Who could be on HvV in his place?

I guess Shane since he got bumped off the season for Russell.

* Do certain seasons exist in this alternate timeline?

All the seasons exist just with someone in place of Rob for HvV and RI


Can't stand this smug ass.

I think the funniest thing about him not winning was that his best chance would have been to have taken Jenna into the final and he did not do that, then later, it was revealed the others would have voted for him if it had been him and Jenna.

Still, I can't believe he was not voted off much sooner (and then the ass ends up on The Amazing Race - and more than once, too).


Technically he did win All-Stars. He got the girl, and he married the girl who won Survivor All Stars and the million dollar cheque (before taxes) that went with it just months later, and the ONLY reason Amber won Survivor All Stars is because the jury (composed of mostly voted out Chapera members) did not want to see Rob win due to him directing their being voted out days earlier.

Regardless, All-Stars was a Rob-domination season in which nothing could go wrong for Chapera throughout nearly the entire season, up until that point I hadn't seen anything like it in Survivor before.

No doubt, had Lex's tribe voted out Amber like they were supposed to, she would have been out of the game and Rob would have had to ally himself with Jenna Lewis or Rupert Boneham as his second. There were no annoying "hidden immunity idols" or other dumb twists that brought back voted out Survivors either.

There is no telling how the course of the game would have gone had Amber been voted out by Lex's tribe, for all we know Lex's tribe would have got to the end, instead of unstoppable Chapera.

To this date, in May 2023, and this is a total guess: Chapera is still remembered as possibly the strongest tribe in Survivor history with the most consistent wins, however I do attribute most of that to severe weakness in the two other tribes in the first half of the season.


I miss the old survivor. I wonder if they will ever go back to the old format of 39 days.

too many idols can dictate who wins and loses now.


Agreed, combined with more variety in locations the show is filmed, the music was better, even the way Jeff talks--way more freely instead of restricted to robotic "Jeffisms" and CBS restrictions, less narration during competitions in those very early seasons, 39 days was great, only American players for the US version, people more often wore swimming suits instead of underwear, Survivor Auction w/belut was one of the best parts of a season, as well as a chance to win a brand new car & the whole "car curse" where the person who won the car never would win a season.

Even though it felt usually less scripted than the newer seasons, it probably was just as much, tough to say really.


I'm thinking that because the viewship isn't as high as in the show's heyday, they are doing things to keep costs down - the shorter time period, the one location Fiji only used nowadays, and no family episodes or live reunion shows where relatives are brought in. So unless there is some major Survivor resurgence in popularity, the new format is likely here to stay.


I haven't watched it since season 4.

What's it like now - 10 people in storage locker?


lol, it is usually still 18 to 20 contestants to start, and the last 10 or 15 seasons have taken place only on Fiji.


you are missing out, the best seasons are from 5 to 40. if you have Prime you should start watching it again.. I was addicted to watching it and usually watched every episode twice.


40 seasons? Jesus H. Christ.

If you're hard up for entertainment, Thriller from 1973 is on tubi for free.


The writing was on the wall way before 40 to be fair.


not really, season 40 was great and then starting in season 41 is when everything went downhill. the woke mob ruined one of the greatest shows on TV. my friends and family all loved and couldnt wait to watch survivor, we used to have survivor parties... now everyone hates it.


40 was an all winner season, of course it was great but Survivor was going woke way before 40, it just wasn't so in your face. I feel like Season 35 was a game changer, when they gifted Ben the win by adding fire-making, I was a big Survivor fan before then and a part of my soul died after that.


thats a good point, I hadnt considered it. I miss the reunion shows with the audience. it just seems so cheap now and I feel bad for the people that didnt make the jury because you will never see them again.

I wonder if they will end it at season 50? and I would like to see an all star show too sometime soon.

but for now it seems the goal is too make sure someone of color wins.


Yeah can't really avoid that type of thing on most shows these days.
