MovieChat Forums > The Man Show (1999) Discussion > Adam Carolla defends Jimmy Kimmel after ...

Adam Carolla defends Jimmy Kimmel after blackface apology: "That is not blackface"

Carolla, who worked on Los Angeles radio station KROQ with Kimmel starting in 1994 and co-hosted The Man Show with him from 1999 to 2003, responded to the ABC late-night host's apology this morning by saying he didn't do blackface when he impersonated Karl Malone. “Jimmy Kimmel is in my top three all time of decent people I’ve met in my life," Carolla said on his podcast, according to The Wrap. "He’s the most decent person you’ve ever met. He’s the most generous person you’ve ever met....He is amongst the best people I’ve ever met, and if everyone was like Jimmy Kimmel than we’d be living in a f*cking utopia." Carolla also drew a distinction between a comedian doing an impression and the abandoned practice of white performers donning black makeup to perpetuate racial stereotypes. “Blackface is something,” Carolla said. “Doing Karl Malone is something else. Or doing Oprah is something else… or Jimmy Fallon doing Chris Rock. That is not Blackface.”


Excuses, excuses...


stick it in the nuke-box, bud


Oh yes, I forgot. No oppohzieshun iss pearmitted!


you're deep down in that muck bud, you better wear some galoshes


Well, that was pretty feeble. That the best you've got?


buzz off bud, i'm too busy for your sh*t


Says he, while posting rubbish on a movie chat site.



Kimmel is a racist sack of shit. If he wasn’t a Democrat he would’ve been fired years ago.


i.... don't think you know the definition of "racist"


Jimmy Kimmel's blackface apology was pretty weak: He was defensive after waiting to be called out

When Jimmy Fallon apologized a month ago for using blackface on SNL, he made it clear that "there is no excuse for this." Kimmel, on the other hand, delivered a very defensive apology on Tuesday that was directed at one group: “those who were genuinely hurt or offended by the makeup I wore or the words I spoke.” "Clearly," says Mary McNamara, "Kimmel believes much of the criticism comes from people motivated not so much by their outrage over blackface as by their desire to undercut his continued condemnation of the Trump administration and positions taken by the far right. He is not wrong about that — conservatives, including Donald Trump Jr., have recently pointed to Kimmel as the epitome of the double standard that decries racism, including past use of blackface, by Republicans but gives liberals, like Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a pass. But for Kimmel to express frustration 'that these thoughtless moments have become a weapon used by some to diminish my criticisms of social and other injustices' doesn’t help his case. At all. If you’re going to apologize for using blackface, apologize for using blackface. Don’t call it a 'thoughtless moment' because, dude, you wrote the sketches, you rehearsed the sketches and you sat in the chair while someone put brown makeup all over you more than once." McNamara adds that Kimmel, Fallon, Tina Fey and "other white entertainers who have used blackface as entertainment say that racist mockery was not their intent but, frankly, that’s as tough a sell as 'My Confederate flag only represents my regional pride.' Blackface isn’t funny.




I think there is a general difference. The blackface of the old that was built on oppression had the red lips and black face. The black face of today is different where they don the whole thing. Covered in dark brown and not completely black and even taking the time to do the makeup, sorta like what they did with Tropic Thunder with Robert Downey Jr. The Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Carter one though I would really consider black face and offensive. You can see the difference in care taken.
