MovieChat Forums > Magnolia (2000) Discussion > Kevin smith hated this movie.

Kevin smith hated this movie.


Yes. And his comments keep getting bandied about because people instinctively recognize that there is a great deal of truth behind them. (Not only about Magnolia itself, but also regarding the rabid reaction of Anderson's immature, adolescent fan base whenever someone criticizes Anderson's work.)

You can certainly criticize Smith's own work for a variety of reasons too, but having "a bloated sense of self-importance" is not one of them. The description certainly fits the bill regarding much of Anderson's work, and with Magnolia in particular.

People like to dismiss the substance of Smith's criticisms because his own work and personality doesn't convey this sense of self-importance.

I still always wonder then how they also simultaneously dismiss David Foster Wallace when he observed that Magnolia was "pretentious and hollow, [and] '100% gradschoolish in a bad way' ".


2 people, one of whom I respect, the other just another person with an opinion. Regardless, neither speak for the OVERWHELMING Universal Acclaim that this Film Received.

I like Kevin Smith, even 'Red State' and his venture with Seth Rogan... But he hasn't, nor will he EVER make a film as deep as Magnolia, The Master or There Will Be Blood. Magnolia has more emotion than anything Smith has ever made, including 'Chasing Amy' which is his most broad and enthusiastic film. Smith has a knack for dialog and witty wordplay. He has a little niche market for his films and I'm sure he's okay with that.

But to sit here and even compare the 2 is laughable. PTA is in another Class of Filmmaking. Smith could never make a Magnolia, he doesn't have the Vision for it. Never has, never will





This was the worse movie going experiences of my entire life! When they were singing "Save Me" was one big WTF moment. The frogs coming out the sky!


You can certainly criticize Smith's own work for a variety of reasons too, but having "a bloated sense of self-importance" is not one of them.

Actually whenever I hear Smith speak nowadays I think exactly that:"Bloated sense of self-importance."

And I generally like his movies. But damn that guy has a high opinion of himself and his opinions.


yes exactly this!

Smith has a calculated facade of humility (hockey jerseys, comic books, overuse of 'dude') but you can really tell he desperately wants to be important and provocative. Every line spoken by every character in every one of his movies is basically a mouthpiece for his personal opinions. The original ending to Clerks (Dante suddenly gets shot before end credits) was the definition of film student pretension. I don't really begrudge him for milking his early successes to pay bills but he needs to look in the mirror.


You are incredibly wring about him.
"Oh, defenders of my imagined cinematic crown, please don't do me any favors in the face of those who'd blah-blah-blah about what shite I be! I can fight my own battles. And I've gotta tell you: someone not digging what I do is not a war that needs waging. That's film. That's art. That's life. You make something and put it on display, you get some people nodding and some people shaking their heads. What a better world it'd be if it could stop at that, as opposed to the nodders and the shakers clawing at one another's throats for having different (not better or worse) tastes." -KS


I'm glad Kevin Smith hated this movie. I wouldn't want to find that I had something accidentally in common with him.


And why should anyone care? I like him, but his opinion means the same to me as any other filmmaker or critic--nothing.

Characters are more important than plot.


LOL, this from the guy filming Mallbrats and Clerks III.

Keep milking those old movies, Kevin. You haven't been relevant in....well, you've never been relevant.

Never for the sake of peace and quiet deny your convictions-Dag Hammarskjold


You haven't been relevant in....well, you've never been relevant.

I meant to comment on this a long time ago. Clerks was one of two movies--the other being El Mariachi--that showed that microbudget movies could be box office successes in the 1990s.. Without that there would be no Blair Witch Project, Hard Eight or Before Sunrise.

Also Kevin Smith discovered Jason Lee, who although wasn't a box office megastar, has had an influential career, especially with My Name is Earl. He also is almost single handedly responsible for making Ben Affleck and Matt Damon stars as he gave the script to Good Will Hunting to Miramax. Without him there would be no Argo, Bourne series, Gone Girl, The Town, The Martian, ETC. or at least they would have been very different movies. Those two are among the most successful actors/producers/directors/writers in Hollywood.

So you can love or hate Kevin Smith, but to say he was "never relevant" is asinine.

Also I think that you will soon realize this is my signature.


I completely agree with Kevin Smith on this one. There's only been one other movie that has made me feel this way, and it's The Tree of Life. Both of these movies are artsty for the sake of artsy - there's way too much awareness in the self-indulgence of "look at me, I'm a profound movie."


But he loved Suicide Squad so...


Really? Wow, Suicide Squad is a POS. Almost universally considered a terrible movie.


I hate kevin smith so who figures?


Kevin Smith just wishes he could make a movie as good as PTA.


Surely the response here should be who cares what Kevin Smith thinks? Why is this news?


That too.
