Was Donna actually hot?

She looked a lot better towards the middle of the show when her hair was a little wavy at the ends and she dressed more feminine, but overall I think Jackie's assessment that she looked like a lumberjack was pretty accurate. She was just so butch looking and I didn't see her to be attractive for a woman at all. I'm a straight female so maybe I just don't get it, but I could not at all see why the guys were always talking about her like she was one of the hottest women who had ever lived. She wasn't ugly, but she wasn't by any means beautiful either IMO.


i don't think she was that hot but she was really bitchy and it made her unlikeable to me. I often said to myself, "geez donna, do you enjoy anything?"


i don't think she was that hot but she was really bitchy 

No where near as bitchy as Jackie, & a lot prettier (but I'm partial to redheads anyway) I think initially because she was a tall,ginger with a husky voice & (in the early seasons) not very outwardly feminine, she didn't look as good to some people compared to Jackie.


Hell. Yes. Also, the character is way more attractive than Jackie. Jackie was a spoiled bratty bitch who all her life been told how pretty she is. Donna on the other hand, really didn't know or understand.


There were not dozens of cable channels nor going to the movies every week back then to draw comparisons to. Most women did not work out plus wearing spandex or leather would have gotten a girl sent home from a public school for inappropriate wardrobe.


Attractive but not hot — or, as they’d have said in the 70s — “foxy”.
