MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > It’s the LEAST BAD and MOST TIMELESS mov...

It’s the LEAST BAD and MOST TIMELESS movie of the Prequels and the newer Star Wars films.

I’ve always liked The Phantom Menace and I have HUGE nostalgia for seeing it in theatres and the time period that surrounded this movie and when it came out.

But yeah…while it’s not as a great as the Original Trilogy…pretty much everything about this movie is better when being compared to the Star Wars movies that have followed it since…whether it’d be the acting, the music, the visuals, the CGI, the action and special effects or the art design, the costumes or makeup department.

There is just no plausible way someone could seriously think Revenge Of The Sith is superior to this unless you haven’t seen either of these movies in a long time or more than once or just a giant Star Wars fanboy.

Revenge Of The Sith might be a better Star Wars movie than TPM…but TPM is a better ScFi movie and much better movie overall which much better acting and special effects and much better execution of the particular story it’s trying to tell.


much better acting

I like the scene where Jar Jar steps in the shit on Tatooine and says something like "Meesa stepped in the doo doo".


It does a much better job at being a decent kids movie than the next two Prequels.

At The Phantom Menace has a consistent tone. Episodes II and Episodes III didn’t and weren’t sure what they wanted to be.


I will say I did like the set designs in this one compared to parts 2 and 3. It didn't overuse CGI as much as the other 2,but 3 is still my favorite of the prequels.


Indeed that is where TPM really shined when it came to the combination of practical and CGI whereas AoTC looked way more animated especially all the CGI clones.

Somehow the visual effects of Naboo's Theed have aged extremely well and look way ahead for its time. The opening space battle of RoTS aged decently too.


This movie is very underrated. The original trilogy focuses so much on characters that it doesn't really feel like they live in an entire galaxy. This movie establishes the wider universe and how things work. Ian Mcdiarmid put on a great performance by playing essentially two different characters. Palpatine, is a warm lovable grandfather like character, at least in public. Whereas Sidious cold and calculating.

The criticism this film gets mainly comes from fans of the original trilogy who wanted it to be a rehash of A New Hope. They got their wish when The Force Awakens trailer premiered. That was when prequel bashing came back, that is until The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker made people appreciate the prequels.


TPM is NOT as good as ROTS but it’s way better than those shitty Disney films.


Back to 1999 I remember that I was a little bit disappointed about the movie, but over time I realised that it is a good SW movie (if you let Jar Jar Bings apart).


