one small change I'd make

Not a mistake, certainly. But something that always catches my attention. When Galadriel pours into the Mirror, there's a bit of splashback. I've always felt like that should've been removed digitally. It would've been a subtle, and somewhat eerie way of showing her control


I never noticed the splash, but to your point I don't think making the water look magical in texture is really the point of the mirror. It's what her innate power can make the water reflect back to someone who looks into it. One thing I always found spooky was that whale groaning sound in the background. Was that suppose to be the trees speaking or just the sound designers trying to create an Elven soundscape?


Haha! I know exactly what you mean, and I have ALWAYS noticed that small speck of splash back. It’s driven me crazy, as well as Aragorn putting the handle of Isilidur’s sword back on the display thing in Rivendell just a LITTLE bit crooked. If I were Peter Jackson I’d have yelled cut and chewed Viggo out for being an idiot and doesn’t he know not to fuck with my OCD?!?!


Haha, that’s funny. I must admit I’ve never noticed either of these but will now look out for them on future viewings.


I can understand where you're coming from but Strider putting the sword back that way may be a representation of his disconnection with his destiny.
