MovieChat Forums > Titanic (1997) Discussion > Ruth should have married Cal

Ruth should have married Cal

There perfect for each other.


He'd be happy, but she wouldn't. But then again, that doesn't matter to people like you, does it Mikeman77?


She could still have been happy. This was early 20th century. Most women then would have killed for Rose's position. Sure, Cal was a dick, but he would have been good to her and he did love her.

Rose's issue wasn't so much that she didn't love Cal, it was the prospects of endless cotillions and parties. Again, many women would have loved to live that life of luxury where her greatest worry would have been if she was using the right fork.

Ultimately, she was happier as Rose Dawson, but she also could have been happy with Cal (well, up until 1929 anyway...)


You keep saying "most women would love..." and that is the problem. The statement itself is anecdotal at best and, even if true, does not necessarily apply to Rose. It is quite probable that she "wouldn't love..."


..does not necessarily apply to Rose.

Nor did I say it did.


No, but you implied that she should have. If that was not your intent, I apologize, but it was the way I read your post.


The point I was trying to make is that her lot in life wouldn't have been that terrible if she went that way.

But, her problem wasn't so much with Cal, but she wanted more out of life, or at least something different - not endless social gatherings wearing lace gloves all day. That's why I said she was ultimately happier as Rose Dawson.

I also think we all missed that OP was talking about Rose's mother, not Rose!!


Ah, could be. And I did miss the subtlety of your post. Again, my apologies.


"Oh Sato, nothing to forgive" ~ Miyagi.

Please, without talking face to face, it's hard to pick up subtlety, and most of us post so quickly we don't always get our point out first time. I used to write technical training material, and I was far more careful about what I was trying to convey. Here we get to edit if need be, but once it's sent off to the printers we're porked.



Ruth would be happy cause all the cares about is money and wealth. That's why she butters her daughter up to Marry him regardless if she's happy. Ruth is better of marrying Cal herself and let her daughter be.


Yes, she wanted his money and he wanted her status, but I don’t think he would want an elderly wife; he did like Rose, and who wouldn’t? He would get a pretty little wife, a pleasure in bed and who looks good on his arm, is otherwise pliable (but maybe with scope for future headstrong ruckus, who knows?) with impeccable manners and can hopefully pop him out a few children. I appreciate Cal is older than Rose, but even so, he could still have been Ruth’s son in terms of age. Plus, Ruth is less likely to produce an heir for him.
I think the age difference between Cal and Ruth would have been grating and neither would have been happy with the other in terms of man and wife cohabitation. Cal would probably have had lovers, maybe even scandal would follow them in that way too, or ill health for him (STDs for example)....just to help finish him off, if indeed it didn’t play out as written with his suicide in the 20s crash.


It's true that Ruth was the one who wanted Cal and all that he entailed, but Cal didn't want her in return. He wanted young flesh, pliant and fertile young flesh, someone he could slap around and rape, and who would give him heirs in return for the abuse. Most women would have taken the deal, Ruth would have taken the deal, Rose was one of the few with the courage to turn it down.

I'm sure Ruth married again, and married fairly well. She may have been broke but she was still In Society, she still had her looks and wits, and being a Titannic survivor would have given her a temporary glamour. She would have stayed with friends or relatives a while to recover, entertained Society with her tales of horror, and latched onto the first well-to-do widower that came her way.




And she'd have done her best to squeeze her new husband's children out of the will. After going bankrupt and having a ship sink under her, the there's be no more Mrs. Nice Guy.


A whole sequel just focusing on her/them :-D
The Curse of the Titanic
Tragic Wreck (as in the marriage)


And they said a sequel couldn't be written!

Personally, I like the idea of Ruth as a psychopathic supervillain, dealing with the crash of 1929 by murdering the her husband for the life insurance, and setting out to take over the late Cal Hockley's mansion and estate with the money. Because that's what she wanted all along, and what Ruth wants, Ruth GETS!


Great idea!
I’ve never thought about it until this thread....☺️😂
Lots of good ideas!
She could definitely be a complete psychotic, obsessed crazy lady.

Would the murder be very premeditated?
I can imagine her accidentally on purpose having him ‘fall’ down the stairs maybe aided by drugs in his alcohol....and she could then have her moment as a heartbroken, lost widow....but finally free from her drunken good for nothing toy boy husband.


Right after the crash of 1929, it'd be ever so easy to stage a believable "suicide". There was a rash of real suicides among financiers and the wealthy...



*nod nod, wink wink*
