MovieChat Forums > Scream 2 (1997) Discussion > So Sydney recognized Mrs Loomis?

So Sydney recognized Mrs Loomis?

So wait a minute Mrs Loomis was just freely walking around campus the entire movie posing as a reporter when Sydney could have easily seen her at any moment and recognized her there on the spot?

I mean she had to know Sydney knew what she looked like, i mean even though she lost weight and got a makeover, you have to know the daughter of the woman your husband was fucking that got murdered and who was also seriously dating your son should know your face.

Yet Mrs Loomis casually walked around Campus close by to Gale. Who btw Gale also should have recognized her, she clearly said shes saw pictures of her before, obviously when she was helping Cotton's case she would have saw alot of pictures of Billy's mom and dad. So how the hell did Gale not realize who she was?


She probably intentionally avoided Sydney since she would recognize her. But remember when she was outed, Sydney said she had work done, which is why Gale didn't recognize her.


Sidney only recognized her after taking a good look at her, so she probably wasn't that recognizable to those who'd never met her. Mrs. Loomis mentioned going to one of Gale's seminars, it seems to me she first tested the waters to see if Gale really wouldn't recognize her.

Mrs. Loomis never talked to Sidney, it seems she made sure to avoid her (and probably also Randy).


it's one of those BS moments we try to overlook
