MovieChat Forums > Boogie Nights (1997) Discussion > What exactly was wrong with Eddie's moth...

What exactly was wrong with Eddie's mother?

I'm wondering what she'd be diagnosed with if it were today? Instead of the 70's where her erratic behavior was seemingly just "accepted" (by her husband for example)
Bi-polar? Schizophrenia?


Surprised no one mentioned this as it seems really clear to me... Dad wasn't equipped like Dirk.

Not that it's all her motivation (or she wants him or anything like that), as she has moments of clarity after blowups, but watch it again and see it through that lens it all seems to sync.


I read a clinical study not too long ago that suggests "hung" guys are exceedingly rare. This is from guys volunteering to be measured versus just going by say so. Granted during the 1970''s that is all people had to go by was urban myths. That certain ethnic or racial groups did not live up to their "billing" was something hidden in the weeds for generations after the start of the 1960's sexual revolution."

As to Dirk's home as a kid I would bet that there many factors that played into misery for all who lived there. Infidelity, weak husband, poor income, and declining neighborhood to name a few.


I assumed she was menopausal.


The scene with Eddie's mother rang true the most. The only difference between his and mine was that even if I paid for something she considered it hers because it was in her house.


Not everything needs to be diagnosed. Some people are just *beep*


In psychoanalytic analysis, the Jocasta complex is the incestuous sexual desire of a mother towards her son.
Raymond de Saussure introduced the term in 1920 by way of analogy to its logical converse in psychoanalysis, the Oedipus complex, and it may be used to cover different degrees of attachment,including domineering but asexual mother love – something perhaps particularly prevalent with an intelligent son and an absent/weak father figure.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Finally I have a term for this


I'd say she was classic bipolar with some scizo effective tendencies.


Definition of an idiot: someone who comes to a site like this to ask a question about clinical psychology.


She wasn't a good mother. That's really all that matters.


She was a horrible alcoholic and I thought she was meant to be a stereotype that pornstars come from broken homes.
