Jokes moden audiences don't get

It's always sad when I watch these hare-brained youtubers' reactions to these 'classic' movies, and see the blank stare in their eyes, when they should be rolling with laughter.

The reason? They are unsophisticated, uncivilized, ignorant pieces of ... well, anyway, they just don't get the jokes.

Some examples: 'Richie Cunningham' - this has not made even a single youtuber 'movie reactor' actually react. Before 'reacting' to movies, maybe people should actually KNOW movies, references and culture those movies point and refer, but nope.. absolute blank stare. Yet he was a very famous character in the old 'Happy Days' TV show that basically everyone watched.

One female reactor didn't even understand why in Wayne's World, Wayne gets so scared of the cop asking if he has seen 'this boy' (of course being 'John Connor'). She was completely confused and puzzled, asking if Wayne did some traffic violation or something. Talk about 'woosh'!

Some other random examples from movies:

- 'Concorde' in 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' (alternatively known as 'Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail'. Doesn't ANYONE remember what the word 'Concorde' refers to? It was an enormous joint project between UK and France (I think), and now it's not even a tiny sidenote in people's minds anymore?

- 'Captain Stubing' in 'Ace Ventura: Pet Detective'. Hasn't ANYONE even heard of 'Love Boat'?

- 'In Japan, men come first' in this very movie - I don't think I've seen anyone connect that to the 'You Only Live Twice' besides maybe one exception.

It's just such a waste - great humor, lots of effort, and ZERO reaction from the clueless, ignorant, cultureless ... well, let's just say 'youtubers' that want your money for being absolute cardboard cut-outs as far as their knowledge about TV shows, movies, culture and references go.

What should be roaring laughter, gets just a blank stare and acceptance without questioning. HOW CAN ANYONE'S NAME BE FRIGGIN' CONCORDE?! AAGH! Don't just accept it with your awful cow stare! (Some probably get this slightly modified reference as well)

I also miss the version of this movie where they show the 'henchmen's family members being told the henchman is dead' - it was hilarious and poignant, makes you think about all these ridiculous James Bond movies with their volcano lairs from a different perspective. I only saw one youtuber react to that version.

Anyway, I can sort of understand that not everyone gets the 'He never vomits at home', because that coffee commercial is SO old and there's no reason for even 1990s audiences to get it, let alone modern ones, but Concorde? Come on, that's aviation history everyone should know about.

It just annoys me to watch these bimbos just star blankly when they should be getting the reference, the same way many people would probably feel nauseated (NOT 'nauseous', by the way - think about 'noxous', it has the same logic - therefore, nauseous is something that causes nausea in others) when they watch the 'Gen Z doesn't know the basic stuff and can't even tell time' videos.

I am sure those people in the videos were hand-picked out of maybe 100 individuals, most of which were able to answer the basic questions perfectly - if you interview enough people, youi're bound to get a handful of absolute wooshers.. but those videos still scare the fjord out of me.


Oh yeah, forgot to mention the whole 'Macarena' scene, but at least some ''90s kids' seem to get that one. I never understood the Macarena craze, it's just a repetitive, banal song what has no musical value whatsoever, but what else has been as popular when it comes to masses and music..

..for some reason, no brilliant fusion jazz song from the 1970s ever becomes famous and worshipped by the masses. I wonder why that is.


Because fusion is banal sonic wallpaper. It's basically what used to be called "elevator music".

As for the joke references, you or I might be aficionados of vintage sitcom characters, but it's unreasonable to expect everyone to share the same interest. It's really a mistake to put so many time-specific references in a movie, if it's expected to remain entertaining to anyone beyond it's original-release audience.


I was talking to a 27 yr old female cop, and she never heard of Dragnet and Joe Friday.


How about Wednesday Addams?
