MovieChat Forums > Disclosure (1994) Discussion > Do you think that makes her evil?

Do you think that makes her evil?

Or at the very least seriously wrong and out of order? Not saying that what her character did to Michael Douglas' character was in any way "right", "civilized", "excusable" even etc, and yes I am fully aware that if a man did this to a woman or even to another man (interestingly enough, at one point Michael Douglas' character even imagines a man trying to harass him in the form of Donald Sutherland's character in this movie) etc, regardless of who or what he was, it would be seen in standard black and white ways for obvious reasons too.

But do you think that her sexually harassing and assaulting him like that, refusing to take no for an answer, threatening later to kill him, accusing him of doing the same thing to her and attempting and almost succeeding in ruining his career, family life and life in general, makes her evil in any way or a villain? Or just a highly flawed character who has done the wrong thing?

Also in this film, it doesn't lead to any confrontation that involves, unlike even "Fatal Attraction" (1987) did, them fighting for their lives. She doesn't even end up getting arrested either, or institutionalized in a mental hospital. The worst thing that happens in the end is that she loses her job and Douglas' character gets back to normal. And he doesn't spend the rest of his life suffering or feeling pain and mental damage from the original act itself, so I suppose he probably DOES recover. And I suppose its a good thing that he doesn't say attack her in any way for it and just moves on like some school kids at least CAN move on when fellow kids bully them.

But other than that, what do you think? Evil or just not right and possibly somewhat forgivable too? And I don't mean JUST because she HAPPENS to be attractive, a woman, with Mr Douglas' character being "straight man" (although NO OFFENSE to anyone WHATSOEVER here, its a psychological, physiological, maybe also sexual etc human nature thing) and say not ruined for life, cheers, wrong as it was though no doubt even with those factors etc. And can you mention the "r" word to describe what she did to him, or even call it "assault" as such, including in legal AND moral AND dictionary terms? Cheers.


1. Using Garvin's vulnerability after his daughter's death, including impersonating her appearance, for the sole purpose of advancing her career and making him blind to her incompetence.
2. Makes repeated and unwanted sexual advances to many men to the point where they resign or transfer to get away from her in a very short time frame. Never considers their opinion or feelings about it. Also believes in nonconforming gender traditions./ (Women deserve more than Men)
3. Used sex and other manipulation to rise to the top, as opposed to legitimate hard work.
4. Takes over Sanders' position without his approval or knowledge, sees that his work and decisions need to be "improved".
5. Tries to ruin Sanders's life so she can blame him for sabotage that she is responsible for.
6. Lies repeatedly and routinely to make herself look like the good guy.
7. NEVER admits responsibility that she in culpable in doing anything that is morally wrong.

Considering this traits, I think this lady goes far beyond the person that "won't take no for an answer". She is probably a Sociopath in addition.


So hahaha, I suppose in your case Mr Patman (by the way, out of curiosity, is your username based on "Postman Pat" from UK's "Royal Mail" cartoon or "Patrick Bateman" - see also the, far from perfect, but decent flick "American Psycho" (2000) with Christian Bale?), I suppose in your case, the answer is "yes".

And by the way, did you think the similar about say Glenn Close's character in "Fatal Attraction" (1987), which also stars Douglas and has a similar theme to this? I also ask because, some folks have been highly DIVIDED here.


I thought Alex Forrest in FA wasn't evil, but selfish to a degree and way in over her head. But she was terribly depressed. I didn't see Meredith in that way. I don't think Meredith is evil per say, but she definitely seemed to have a high opinion and confidence of herself at times as if she was the only one who mattered with her desires to make a "good-guy" image for herself. She was quite good at hiding her incompetence and shame for the most part, and I think she took pleasure in that. IMO she is a bit more like Catherine Trammell rather than Alex Forrest (though she defnitely shares quite a few similarities to Alex). I just think she is self-centered more than emotionally frail.

Her motive to making the changes was to put herself in Sanders' shoes and "improve" what she thought wasn't the best decision making for the company and merger and also score some point with them (and possibly she chose Sanders to blame him in case anything goes wrong). Her main motivation seems to be stabilizing her Self-worth and image by taking advantage of others. The end game for her is pretty much power and self-validation.


Kinda thought so too and I bet filmmakers would agree.


So basically, not exactly "evil" perhaps but definitely far from civilized, honest, manipulative and determined and cold, not exactly a saintly character and more than just "slightly flawed".


To quote a minor character from late Alan Clarke's 1982 TV film "Made in Britain" - "Its a long depressive list". It is. :)


Sexually harassing him? That's out of line.

Lying about what happened, threatening to kill him, trying to ruin his life? That's fucking psycho.


Well he did feel her boobs, rip her panties off and fingered her. She was understandably angry


Was it not during the act that she initiated? But anyways, back to the original question...


He literally ripped her panties off and fingered her and then suddenly decided nah I will take the moral high ground


True but does it make her evil in your opinion or just flawed and wrong?


"That's fucking psycho."

Is that your official position on this matter.

P.S. I also ask, because... And this film, I don't know if it tried to make it ambiguous or if it just didn't decide to broach this issue that much (it didn't spell out that what her character did was say too unforgivable and what not, and the "victory" that is expressed by SPOILERS this movie's end, in spite of in UK it receiving a strong 18 certificate, is simply her losing her job in this company and that is it, and Douglas' character, spoiler - does go back to normal life at the end) but the film somewhat left passively up to the audience to decide how to feel here without forcing anything on the viewers too much in the end in the process. Nor did it say that, WHATEVER THAT MEANS ALONE to many people (no matter how "flawed" etc) that because her character is an attractive woman, and that ultimately means... (some FILMS at least HAVE implied such lines of thinking OR touched upon it)… And hence I kinda wondered what some may think, and within the context of this movie (cause it IS this FILM we are discussing, anyways) nonetheless.

P.S.S. LIFE in GENERAL, WITH its rules in humanity and whatnot, serious? And there IS logic behind it, yes? Can't help but yours truly for the MOST part DOES think so, yes, indeed. One way or another.


But do you think that her sexually harassing and assaulting him like that, refusing to take no for an answer, threatening later to kill him, accusing him of doing the same thing to her and attempting and almost succeeding in ruining his career, family life and life in general, makes her evil in any way or a villain? Or just a highly flawed character who has done the wrong thing?

I considered her character somewhat of a narcissist and how she felt she was all high and mighty, but I will give her the benefit of the doubt in how beautiful her body was back then.. Hell, I'd let her harass me for sure.. 😎


Love her to call me a bad boy and let me rip her panties off like he did


It was awesome, wasn't it?? Try selling something like that in 2024 and social media would destroy Michael Douglas calling him a rapist & sexist over it


The hottest scene ever in a film, loved that he smelt her panties aswell and fingered her. Just wish she had took her heels off
