Gay scene in the lift

To this day this scene always cracks me up. It all starts off so innocently with Donald Sutherland ‘feeling’ Michael Douglas’ tie. Then, before you know it, Sutherland is shoving his tongue down Douglas’ throat. The way it’s filmed, it’s a really funny scene although I get the feeling it’s not meant to be funny.

One other thing - Demi Moore in this film. Smoking hot or what !


Demi Moore was smoking hot in almost every film she made during the 90s. Sultry, feminine, and with a bit of an edge.

She was the perfect embodiment of the intersectionn between the demure librarian and the high-class escort.

As for the gay scene in the lift... I completely forgot about that. I haven't seen Disclosure in some time. It was such a 90s film, but it was great for what it was. Excellent acting. Visually engaging, and a great cast. But man... you're right, it was put together so funny with the editing.


It's ABSOLUTELY meant to be funny

I saw this in theaters when it came out ... the scene brought the house down


It was meant to convey how powerless and weak Tom felt. He was just sexually harrassed and assaulted by his supervisor. Garvin is also his boss and the dream represented his insecurity and trauma.
