Janice in labour

When the hour-long episode of Rachel having Emma was first aired, I remember Ross calling Janice’s almost-deaf husband a “lucky deaf bastard” because of how Janice sounded while having a contraction. I have never heard that line on TV since, since the episode is aired as two different episodes.

Is Ross’s line intact in any other format? Or has it been removed completely?




Thank you! I never thought of YouTube for some reason.


You know I almost felt sorry for Janice because of the way series treated her. Every character mocking her and hating. And they just keep bringing her back for cheap laughs and told actress to "speak annoyingly".

Like she wasnt a bad person. She just talked loudly and they all hated her for it.

Still amazing how show actually made Chandler to fall in love with her. And they did look good together. And then show kicked her out because characters must move on and her stint as girlfriend ended.


Janice is one of the worse people on the show.
She was a truly horrible person.
And she was abrasive and annoying.

I felt sorry for Chandler for ever fucking her. Imagine her alarm going off yelling "Yeah, yeah, keep going, yeah" in your ears. Talk about needing an overdose of viagra at 26.


She is an actress. Playing parts is what they do. Her character was supposed to be annoying and loud. She was overbearing and dominating. She didn't listen to others. The other characters were supposed to mock her. That was the character. I'm quite positive that as a professional actress, she is fine with this. If not, she hopefully found another career.
