MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Why do dumb Americans still like this st...

Why do dumb Americans still like this stupid sitcom?

Why can't Americans get some taste and why can't people grow up and agree this show was lame and unfunny?


It's a cute and cuddly show mainly for chicks, but every episode I ever saw had some good jokes. Don't think it's funny? Good for you. Now fuck off, edgy cunt.



It isn't real life though. The episode with Ross getting married in London. Nobody at the reception dinner was eating cat.


Morgan Fairchild had the best chest in the series.


I personally liked Anniston's double lattes better but for her age, she looked good!


Why do assholes ask stupid questions. What are you? 12? Grow up


Has it occured to you dumba$$, that we aren't all made from the cloth? some people like caviar others don't, that doesn't make them dumb or less than. Also, not just Americans like this show. People from all over like this show... shocking I know!


Because we're dumb! Which is also why we have dominated the world for more than a century.
