MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > How popular is this outside of the USA?

How popular is this outside of the USA?

I know there are people here from other countries and I was wondering how popular it is elsewhere. Where I live in the U.S. it's available on at least three national cable channels and two local stations. This show ended almost 15 years ago and it seems to be as popular as ever. So how often is it broadcast in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and is it dubbed for broadcast in other non-English speaking countries.

So long everybody, it's been nice. I really didn't care for the fish, though.


It was popular in Australia when on air but after that not so much.

Shocked that after its run it was still popular in Ireland and Argentina.


Very popular in the UK.

Even now, Comedy Central is showing 12 hours of Friends reruns pretty much daily.


At least they show the full episodes now,when it used to be on e4 it was cut,much better on comedy central


I watched it for the first time earlier this year on Netflix, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm from England.


It was popular here in Australia at the time and is still on repeat quite often.


Here in France: very popular back in its original run and still hugely popular now, even with the 20-something generation. Very good french dub as well. Certainly the most beloved US sitcom ever here!


It’s up there


It's on Comedy Central UK on a loop. Until the end of time.


In the UK it was and still is really popular, especially since they put the whole thing in Netflix. when it was on TV i watched all the episodes like a 100 times because it was the only good thing on... at the time.
