MovieChat Forums > True Romance (1993) Discussion > True Romance vs Boondock Saints

True Romance vs Boondock Saints

Having discussions at work on which movie is "better". Wanted to get some IMDB user feedback on this topic. If possible indicate your age range (teens, 20s, 30s, ...). Thanks!



True Romance is a masterpiece with a brilliant script and amazing acting. Boondock Saints is barely a good movie.



No contest? What an absolutely ridiculous pathetic comment.

Thankfully, the majority agree on the correct answer, which is the greatest movie ever made, True Romance.

Your clearly a plooky teenager who doesn't get out much if you think Boondock Saints is better than True Romance.



I am indeed stating a fact.

It's not really a subjective opinion either is it, when you state a film as ridiculous as Boondock Saints is superior to True Romance

Like I said, you are clearly a plooky teenager who doesn't get out much ;)

As for calling me an Idiot are you one of those Keyboard Warriors?

My advice to you, and this is the last time I am going to comment on this thread, as it is a no contest and you are outnumbered with your pathetic "Opinion" Go and find a woman or a man, whichever you prefer, and let of a little steam, if you know how too that is.




Aren't you on IMDB? Idiot. BY the way your opinion is wrong.


Ok, I watched the Boondock Saints several years back, as far as action movies go, it was above average, but just, the second one, entertaining, but not even close as good as the first one. It felt like it was copied off of the original.

Just saw True Romance, and honestly, the cast alone makes it better. But the movie overall, it should not be even compared. First off, the characters are so well played that every scene is just awesome. And the further on the movie goes, the better it gets.
When Christopher Walken was interrogating Dennis Hopper, that was probably the most awesome interrogation scene ever.

True Romance vs Boondock Saints, not really even a contest, True Romance will win every time. I'm probably gonna end up watching this movie again in a couple of days, its just that awesome.



Comparing True Romance to any movie is hard to do. They are definitely both cult classics but come on now. IMO it's better than most of Quentin's movies (with the exception of pulp fiction and my fav and prolly most underrated classic Jackie Brown) The only flaw in True Romance is it didn't let some of the great characters develop. Gary Oldman stole the movie



tough question. in my opinion, both are great films, but i am a bit bias. true romance being one of my all time favorite films. i even named my america bulldog alabama. the scene between walken and hopper is one of the best. up there with deniro and pacino at the diner in heat. 31 years old.


I really like them both. I just watched True Romance for the first time and have seen The Boondock Saints two times.
I can't say which one I prefer more, because I'd need to watch them a few more times.

I'm a 22 year old male.

EDIT: It's slightly disturbing to read some of the comments in this thread.
None of the movies are objectively better than the other. There is no "wrong" answer, it's all about opinions.
A person who says 2012 is better than The Godfather is not wrong, even though around 99% of all people would disagree with him/her.
It's all about what YOU consider is the better movie.

EDIT2: I've now seen both movies three times each and I love them even more. I still can't say which one I prefer, though. They are 9/10 for me.


no contest, The Boondock Saints (1999)

-The Boondock Saints (1999) - 10/10 (my #2 movie of 1999. even conservatively, it's within my Top 3-4 of 1999.)

-True Romance (1993) - 6-6.5/10 (Thumbs Down. an average movie overall as it's not a movie ill care to see again as i just seen it for the second time a moment ago and it fell into Thumbs Down status for me nowadays as the first time i seen it was years ago and i liked it then. but nowadays... it's just not all that interesting/entertaining overall even though it's got some decent scenes here and there but the film as a whole is not something ill be re-watching and re-watch factor is what ultimately makes or breaks a movie in the long run)

p.s. as for my age... i just turned 34 years old this past October. for the record... only around 80 movies of the 1650+ total i have seen landed on either a 9/10 or 10/10 rating so i don't hand out super high ratings much as most of the movies i have seen land on either a 6/10 (Thumbs Down) or 7/10 (Thumbs Up).

My Vote History ...


True Romance is on a whole different level compared to Boondock Saints. That's not saying Boondock Saints isn't a good movie, it just doesn't compare to True Romance.
