MovieChat Forums > True Romance (1993) Discussion > True Romance vs Boondock Saints

True Romance vs Boondock Saints

Having discussions at work on which movie is "better". Wanted to get some IMDB user feedback on this topic. If possible indicate your age range (teens, 20s, 30s, ...). Thanks!


Early 20s here. Fan of both. Adore Reedus & Slater... But I think I have to go with True Romance. The main characters seem more fleshed out & likeable in TR. Way more star power as well. Samuel L. Jackson was hilarious & Dennis Hopper's monologue to Walken about Sicilians was INSANE!

Now I am all conflicted. Time to watch these both again!

~ Pynk Nymphette ~


Boondock Saints is cool if you're 13, or mentally impaired.




True Romance, and it isn't close.


I'm 33 and own/watch both of these movies regularly. I think True Romance is the better film as it is my favorite movie of all time with the exception of The Wizard of Oz but that's just the classic of classics. With that said, Boondock Saints is my close second. Both great films. I have a cat named Alabama and God help any woman I may someday have a son with if at least one of the McManus brothers names isn't integrated in with his. Two of the greatest films of all time. Glad at least some people agree.


True Romance, hands down. Boondock Saints was okay but not really that great. It had some good stuff in it but really seemed like it was trying too hard to do the kind of material that was done much better and seemingly more effortlessly in True Romance.

And I'm in my early 30s.


I'm a 30 year old Irish male and I thought the attempt at Irish accents in Boondock Saints was shocking... I turned off the film about 30 minutes in and never looked back.

We do not sound like the Hollywood Leprechaun accent.

Very view actors seem to be able to conquer one of the many types of accent found in Ireland.

Daniel Day-Lewis does a fantastic Northern Irish accent and Cate Blanchett did a fairly impressive midlands Irish accent in Veronica Guerin.

So anyway... the accents really ruined it

Think Tom Cruise in 'Far and Away'... Dreadful
